The center of the readings is the parable
of the Prodigal Son, which certainly could be called the parable of the Good
Father .
This father is the Father in Heaven, the
Father that Jesus wants to share with us, as he said the day of his
resurrection “my Father and your Father…”
Let us see the message that the readings
give to us.
The book of Joshua is the first book of
the Bible after the Pentateuch. The
people of Israel that has arrived to the Promise Land will have to adapt his
life to the new situation.
They had been nomads that journeyed
through the desert to the land promised to their Fathers. They were shepherds.
Now they will have to adapt new forms of
life, they will have to learn how to cultivate
the soil, besides being shepherds they will have to be farmers.
They will have also to adapt the way they
What do the readings say to us?
God reminds them that He is the one who
has liberated them, that has taken away the shame they suffered being slaves in
Now they are in the land and they will
celebrate for the first time the Passover in the land.
This same day the manna disappeared, from now
on they will have to provide for themselves cultivating the land which will
provide what they need.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall be ever in my mouth.
Let my soul glory in the LORD;
the lowly will hear me and be glad.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Glorify the LORD with me,
let us together extol his name.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Look to him that you may be radiant with joy,
and your faces may not blush with shame.
When the poor one called out, the LORD heard,
and from all his distress he saved him.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall be ever in my mouth.
Let my soul glory in the LORD;
the lowly will hear me and be glad.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Glorify the LORD with me,
let us together extol his name.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Look to him that you may be radiant with joy,
and your faces may not blush with shame.
When the poor one called out, the LORD heard,
and from all his distress he saved him.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
v The
o Blesses [says good]
the Lord at all times
o He is proud of the
o He invites the people
to rejoice on hearing the Lord.
v The
Psalmist invites the people
To proclaim and praise the Lord
Because when he sought the Lord for help, the Lord listened to him.
I think this an experience we all have had, the joy to realize that the
Lords was listening to us, no matter how long ago.
The fears move away, there is a feeling of security, of being protected,
within hands that protect us.
v The Psalmist speaks to
each one of us
He invites us to trust, to jump with joy.
We will not be defrauded because the Lord listens to the cry of the
Maybe the key of all of these, is to be poor, that is, to trust fully in
God, our Father.
As a background music the responsorial psalm repeats: Taste and see…
Paul speaks to his community of Corinth
about the newness of those who are in Christ.
We began to be in Christ when we were
baptized, when we became new creatures.
He also reminds them that whatever is old
has passed away, it does not exist anymore.
He says that all of this was possible
through the loving initiative of God in Christ that reconciled us with the
This reconciliation that Christ made on
the cross, he has given it to us, to the Church, so that we might become
ministers of reconciliation in the world.
As ministers of reconciliation, we need to
say to our brothers “be reconciled to God.”
For our sake he made him to be
sin who did not know sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God in
GOSPEL Lk 15:1-3.11-32

Jesus is surrounded by “sinners” = tax
collectors and others.
The Pharisees are there also, but they are
not there with the same intention as the sinners. They are there to judge what
Jesus is doing, Jesus who welcomes those whom they considered “lost.”
Jesus in response to those feelings, which
they have in their hearts, tells them and us this wonderful parable. In all of
us we find the “sinner” and the “Pharisee that judges.”
The parable of the Prodigal Son, which
should be called the Parable of the Good Father.
This parable has different scenes, which
we are going to contemplate one by one.
The first one: the younger son asks for
his inheritance and goes away from home:
Give me my inheritance! This is an insolent petition. The inheritance
is received after the death of the person who leaves it.
The father does not argue, he divides his
possessions between the two sons he has.
The younger son goes away from home to a
far distant country. Distant country
means a place far from home, from all that is familiar, from the love of his
father. The reality is that he has always been far from home, even living in
it. His heart has always been far from the love of his father.
Here the first scene ends.
The second scene: the younger son in a
foreign country and the father waits for
him to return.
What does the son do in the far away
country? What does the father do at home?
The son expends all his possessions in a
dissolute life, while he has money he has many friends.
The father at home goes to the road every day
to see if the son returns. He wants to see his son even knowing that the son
does not love him.
The son is out of money and loses all his
friends. He feels lonely, hungry and humiliated. He feels so low and so hungry
that he goes to work feeding pigs. A profession that a Jew will never have,
pigs are impure animals. In this
situation he comes back to his senses and decides to do something: “I will go
The father keeps going to the road ….
The third scene is the return home of the
younger son
The father, who goes every day to the road
to see him returning, recognizes him from afar and runs to meet him.
The son says to his father the words he
has prepared “I have sinned… I am nor worthy… accept me as one of your
The father does not allow him to finish.
Quickly bring the tunic, the sandals, the ring… let us celebrate.
Why? Because this son was lost and has been
found, was dead and has come back to life.
The celebration begins; the father is filled
with joy.
Last Scene – The Elder Brother
He comes back from the fields, where he
has been working all day long. He hears
the voices of joy, the music, the laughter… What is this? Because there
has been only sadness in the house since his brother had left.
Your brother has come back, and your
father is so happy to have recovered him in good health that he has killed the
fatted calf and has called for a celebration.
The elder son is angry, he does not want
to join the celebration. The father
comes out and begs him to enter, to rejoice because his brother was dead and he
is alive, was lost and he has been found.
“Everything that I have is yours my son. You are always with me.”
We do not know if he joined the
celebration, Jesus leaves us in suspense. Maybe because we are the ones who
have to finish the story, we are at the same time the younger son who
sins enjoying the pleasures money gives
him, and the elder who sins judging and
being sad. We are at the same time like the “tax collector” and the
I read
once a book by Henri Nouwen and he said that a friend told him to forget about
being the elder or the younger son, and trying to be like the Father full of
love, mercy and joy.
He put again before me all the religious orders and made me see the
deplorable state of the universal church and told me with heartfelt words that
the evils of this holy church had no other remedy that the observance of his
most holy law.
At this moment I saw our Lord Jesus Christ, I had him present in very
special way. He had so much pain for the evil of the church, that it seemed as
if his Divine eyes were bursting into tears, and told me sorrowfully: “look, my
daughter, if with tears I would be able to renew the spirit of my church, I
would shed tears of blood. Because I did not spare myself to shed all my blood
for her creation, but I left myself as pledge and memory of my infinite love
for her, for her conversion until the end of time. (Our Lord granted me again
this vision for the following night during prayer). Venerable Maria Antonia Paris, Foundress of the
Claretian Missionary Sisters, Autobiography 8-9.
I simply can't understand how other priests
who believe the same truths that I do, and as we all should, do not preach and
exhort people to save themselves from falling into hell.
I wonder too how the laity, men and women who
have the faith, can help crying out. What if a fire broke out in a house in the
middle of the night and the people in the house and in the neighborhood were
asleep and unaware of the danger? Wouldn't the first person who noticed the
fire run through the streets shouting "fire, fire in such and such a
house!" Well, why not shout "hellfire!" to awaken those who are
asleep in their sins, lest they awake to find themselves burning in everlasting
fire? Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Founder of the
Claretian Missionary Sisters. Autobiography 13-14.