Wednesday, December 29, 2021



·         The liturgy of this first Sunday of the   new  year 2022 presents the narration of the Magi, the wise men who came from the East to adore the new born King of the Jews. 

·         The intrigues that will surround the life of Jesus, the Son of God made man, already began.  

·         There is a sort of irony in this account:  

o   Pagan men, but also wise men, know how to read the signs that creation offers, they discover the King of the Jews.

o   His people, the king and the scribes, who supposedly knew the Scriptures, reject him. Because they know the Scriptures, they fear that this king will come to upset their security, the best way to deal with him is to eliminate him.   

o   Does anything similar happen in our life?


FIRST READING  – Is 60:1-6

«  This reading is taken from the book of the Third Isaiah. Everything in it breathes optimism, joy, light.   

«  The dominant theme is the light, the glory of God is the light that illumines the city of Jerusalem. 

«  The earth is covered with darkness, but upon you will shine the glory of the Lord.  

«  This light as a lighthouse will lead the nations toward you.  

«  Look with joy, with joy they come from all the nations, the foreigners but most of all your children who were scattered, those who left in tears now they come back singing with joy. 

«  We can understand this joy, many among us, almost all of us, live far from our homeland, if one day the return is made possible, we will experience this same overwhelming joy, and over all those who stayed in the country will be filled with joy. 

«  They will bring to you the riches of the nations, caravans of camels will come bringing gold, frankincense, and myrrh, proclaiming the praises of God. 




R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.
O God, with your judgment endow the king,
and with your justice, the king’s son;
He shall govern your people with justice
and your afflicted ones with judgment.
R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.
Justice shall flower in his days,
and profound peace, till the moon be no more.
May he rule from sea to sea,
and from the River to the ends of the earth.
R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.
The kings of Tarshish and the Isles shall offer gifts;
the kings of Arabia and Seba shall bring tribute.
All kings shall pay him homage,
all nations shall serve him.
R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.
For he shall rescue the poor when he cries out,
and the afflicted when he has no one to help him.
He shall have pity for the lowly and the poor;
the lives of the poor he shall save.
R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.


*      This psalm is a prayer for a King or for the heir to the Crown.  

*      We find in it the theme of justice which we ask for the king, so that he will be able to govern with equity.  

*      We have again the theme of the kings from foreign lands coming bringing their gifts to the king.  

*      This king in his justice will do good to the poor and marginalized, in this he will be like God whose justice is manifested as compassion and mercy.


Letter to the Ephesians

Ø  This letter is one of the letters called “letters from the captivity”, because they mention the prison, other letters from this group are Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon

Ø  About the date of its composition the authors have different opinions. Those who consider that this letter had been written by Paul have a date prior to 67 when Paul died.    

Ø  However those who think that the letter was written by a disciple of Paul have a later date, around the 80’s.  

Ø  The letter has many themes that are like those in the letter to the Colossians.  

Ø  We perceive in this letter a great concern for doctrine and theology.  

Ø  In the first part (cc. 1-3) the church is considered prepared by God from eternity, being revealed progressively until the Incarnation.


EPHESIANS  3:2-3ª.5-6

Ø  Paul (or the author) says that the mystery hidden in God has been revealed to him, and he in turn makes it known, he announces it in his preaching.     

Ø  This hidden mystery has been revealed to the apostles by the Spirit.   

Ø  The mystery is  

o   Through the Good News, the Gospel, the gentiles partake in the inheritance and the promises of Christ Jesus.  

o   And are members of the same body.    


GOSPEL-  Matthew 2:1-12

ü  Chapters 1 and 2 from Matthew and also from Luke are called “the Gospel of the Infancy  or the infancy narratives”  

ü  These two chapters are according to an author, as the synthesis of the life of Jesus, and of the theology of the evangelist.   

ü  The verses which we will read this Sunday offer to us the synthesis of the theology of Matthew: there is a conflict between two royalties, Herod, and Jesus, between evil and good, between wealth and poverty.  

ü  Who is Herod? He is from Idumea, he is a bloodthirsty and ambitious man. 

ü  In this Gospel we discover several scenes: 

o   In the first one the Magi begin their journey following the star and arrive to Jerusalem. They are sure that someone in the city will guide them to the King they are seeking.

o   In the second scene the main characters are Herod, the high priests, and the scribes. They know because they investigated the Scriptures, that the Messiah will come from Bethlehem.  

o   In the third scene Herod speaks to the Magi, he questions them about the date in which the star appeared, and sends them to Bethlehem, and he asks them to let him know where is the new born king, so that he will be able to go and worship him.   

o   In the fourth scene the Magi resume their journey and see again the star, that was hidden when they arrived at Jerusalem.  

o   In the fifth scene the Magi arrive at the place and find the mother with the child, and they are filled with joy. They offer him his gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  Afterwards they go back through another way. 

ü  There are many contrasts; if we would make a movie the scenes of Herod would be dark, on the contrary those of the Magi would be full of color and light.    

o   The Magi do not know the prophecies, but they know how to read the message of the stars and they seek with an open heart not conditioned by ambition or by power. 

o   Herod and the priests know the prophecies thus they fear, because they believe that this King will take away their power, their comfortable way of life. Herod is not sincere in his heart. 

o   The Magi find their God without knowing him. The people of Jerusalem do not find him despite knowing theoreticaly the Scriptures.











Monday, December 6, 2021



Ø  It is already the third Sunday of Advent   

Ø  The Church invites us to rejoice, invites us to the joy because the Lord is near. 

Ø  The liturgical color is pink. 

Ø  John the Baptist will invite us to repentance 

Ø  Let us enter in our heart with naked feet because we will be walking on sacred ground, on the holy temple where our Lord and God, Father, Creator, Redeemer dwells.    


ü   The ministry of Zephaniah took place probably during the reign of Josiah not long before the fall of Jerusalem in 587.B.C.

ü  The condemnation of the pagan worship may indicate that this prophet preached during the time when Assyria had a great influence on the land of Judah.

ü  Josiah launched a religious reform.

ü  If this is as we think the prophet Zephaniah would have been contemporary of the prophet Jeremiah in his early ministry.

ü  Both prophets share the same language and ideas.

ü  The content of Zephaniah’s prophecy: The Day of the Lord; the salvation of the humble; the fall of the wicked.

FIRST READING  - Zep. 3, 14-18

v  The prophet invites us to shout for joy, to sing, to exult. 

v  He calls Jerusalem “Daughter Jerusalem” and “Daughter Sion”   

v  The Church calls Mary Daughter Sion, this Oracle which invites us to rejoice, is also addressed to Mary although the prophet does not know it. Mary the young girl from Nazareth who is with child, this child is the Son of God. 

v  The reason for the holy city to rejoice is that God has raised his judgment against her, and has come to live in her.

v  Thus, she does not have to fear any evil. The angel says to Mary “do not fear because you have found favor with God.”  

v  But the prophet says something stronger. Jerusalem rejoices because of the presence of the Lord, but something astonishing for us, I copy the last verses of this beautiful reading: 

he will rejoice over you with gladness,

and renew you in his love,

he will sing joyfully because of you,

as one sings at festivals.

v  Yes, God sings for joy because He loves me, and despite my lowliness and my sins, I am cause of joy for Him 

RESPONSORIAL PSAM  -Is 12, 2-3. 4bcd. 5-6

R. (6)  Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.
God indeed is my savior;
    I am confident and unafraid.
My strength and my courage is the LORD,
    and he has been my savior.
With joy you will draw water
    at the fountain of salvation.
Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.
Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name;
    among the nations make known his deeds,
proclaim how exalted is his name.
Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.
Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious achievement;
    let this be known throughout all the earth.
Shout with exultation, O city of Zion,
    for great in your midst
    is the Holy One of Israel!
Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.


§  Zion responds to this invitation from the Lord.   

§  In the first stanza she says that the Lord is her strength and her courage, her savior.  

§  In the second stanza the psalmist invites us to praise the Lord for his great achievements. 

§  In the third and last one he invites Daughter Zion to shout because the Holy One of Israel is in her midst.   

§  Is the presence of our God in us the cause of our joy?  He says in one of the Gospels and in the Apocalypse “we will go and dwell in him”…


SECOND READING  – Phil 4,4-7ª

ü  Paul writes this letter to his preferred community, the community of the city of Philippi. 

ü  The city of Philippi  is located in north eastern Greece (Macedonia). The city was already ancient by the time Paul arrived there around 49 CE (Acts 16:11-40). In fact, its beginnings go back to the fourth century BCE when it was occupied by the Thracians. In 356 BCE, however, Philip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, took over the city and named it after himself.  In 168 BC Philippi became part of the Roman empire when the latter defeated the Persians at the battle of Pydna and Macedonia was divided into four districts, Philippi belonging to the first.

Today the archaeological site has substantial remains including a theatre and four basilicas. Philippi is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site

ü  Paul invites de Philippians to rejoice in the Lord. 

ü  This joy will be manifested through their kindness and goodness. 

ü  Pope Francis says in one of his writings that no one who is happy will kill anyone.   

ü  Let examine ourselves on our kindness with those close to us, those who live with us. 

ü  The fruit will be the peace of God. 

EVANGELIO – Lucas 3,10-18

*      In the message of the reading from the Gospel of Luke we can distinguish two different parts. 

*      In the first part John responds to the questions that, those who had come to him asked.    In the second part John says that he is not the Messiah and announces that his coming is imminent.                                       

*      Those who came to be baptized wanted to know how they had to behave.  

*      John responds to each group and his message is an invitation to share, respect, serve, neither to abuse or mistreat anyone, in a word to fulfill its own duties to the best.   

*      People are enthusiastic about John and believe that he is the one they expect, but John denies it. 

*      The One, who is to come, will baptize in Spirit and fire

*      He comes to clean his field; the weeds will be burned.  

*      We can read in that description an invitation for us to repent and to have faith. 

*       I have read some place those lasts days: As we bring our sins and our wounded hearts to Jesus in the confessional, we’ll recognize that God himself is rejoicing in us. (“Repent and Believe” in The Word Among Us. Advent 2021, p.13-15)



Letter n8.        To M. María Rosa (Gual) de San Juan, prioress of Santiago de Cuba

Before all things try to have much inner recollection, because if you have it, as your charity [1]knows, you will be constant in the practice of all the virtues, and this same reflection on your own life  will help you to remind about all your duties, both spiritual and material,  because this care will make you happy.  

May you be, as much as possible, of one body and one mind with the Sister Sub prioress, and the two of you must be one.   Be very careful in the education of girls, trying by all means to advance them in the different matters; have no particularities with any, esteeming all in Our Lord Jesus Christ...

  I strongly urge you to take care of the church vestments, let them be well ironed and sewn!   

You cannot imagine how much I think and care about all and everyone of the sisters. Tell me how they are. I miss all of you so much that I never can write a letter without tears.  

Countless are the young women from everywhere who apply to join our Institute, but I do not rush to admit them, I discern those applications one by one; Bishop Caixal is of the same opinion.  (This writing is formed by two fragments from two different letters of to M. María Rosa Gual. They are found in the book by the Claretian Missionary Fr. Cepeda, Vida de la Sierva  de Dios María Antonia París.) 



PARÍS, María Antonia . Epistolario, 1993

Little Rock, Catholic Study Bible. Litugical Press, Collegeville Minnesota 2011. 

The Word Among Us, Advent 2021.


[1] How the sisters addressed each other

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


ü  John announces that a new and better future is possible if we take refuge under the shadow of the Word of God

ü  The birth of Jesus takes place in a concrete political environment as well as in concrete religious environment.

ü  Thus, nothing will fall outside his redemption.


o   The prophet Baruc invites Jerusalem to remove her robe of sadness and with her we are also invited to rejoice

o   Jerusalem put on queen’ clothes as a queen preparing for a celebration

o   Also put a diadem on your head, why?

o   Because God  makes  your splendor shine, because God will give you a new name: Peace-justice , the glory of God’s worship.

o   Stand up and see your children return from all parts of the earth where they had to migrate seeking asylum.

o   Because God has decided to lower the pride of those who believe to be important (the mountains and the hills will be made low) and exalt those who  are lowly and poor (the valleys will be filled to level ground)

o   God makes all these wonders, as a new Exodus.

o   The reading ends saying that God will lead Israel, will lead us, in joy, under the light of his glory, with mercy and justice.


R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.
When the LORD brought back the captives of Zion,
   we were like men dreaming.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
   and our tongue with rejoicing. 
R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.
Then they said among the nations,
  “The LORD has done great things for them.”
The LORD has done great things for us;
   we are glad indeed. 
R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.
Restore our fortunes, O LORD,
   like the torrents in the southern desert.
Those who sow in tears
   shall reap rejoicing. 
R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.
Although they go forth weeping,
   carrying the seed to be sown,
They shall come back rejoicing,
   carrying their sheaves.
R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.

Ø  The author describes the joy of those who after their exile return to their country to their home. 

Ø  The pagans from the countries where they return are also surprised to see them so full of joy.

Ø  In this psalm there is a very beautiful image to describe the joy and the pain of this people: the time of sowing in which the sower does not know if the seed will germinate and reach its maturity. But when the time of the harvest comes and it is abundant he rejoices to see the fruit of his work.

Ø  In the same way they went to the exile weeping, now they come back laughing and singing. 

SECOND READING:  Phil. 1: 4-6. 8-11

v Paul remembers with joy and thankfulness the community of Philippi

v They were his partners in the proclamation of the gospel

v  Paul prays that what God has begun in them, their sanctification, he will continue to complete it. 

v May your love grow more and more and be transformed in a better knowledge and spiritual sensibility.  

GOSPEL – Lk 3:1-6

*      John the Baptist begins his proclamation in the desert, his call to conversión to prepare the way for the coming of the One who has to come.

*       Luke places this beginning of preaching in a concrete historical time: in politics he mentions the names of the Roman emperor and the Governor of Judea. In religión he says the name of the high priest. 

*      He also tells that John was the son of Zachariah whom we met in the first chapter of his Gospel when Luke narrated the visitation of Mary to her kinswoman Elizabeth, the mother of John. 

*      Al lof this helps us to realice that Jesus is not an imagination, not only a spiritual being, but a human being, and this human being is the Son of God, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity made flesh like ours; with all our limitations except sin.  

*      John invites us to lower our pride, to raise our hope, to acknowledge our sins, to smooth the edges of our temperament. Why?

*      to see the salvation that God is at work in the world. We only nee deyes to acknowledge his presence in the good that is done in different places of our earth by different persons from all races, creeds, colors, languages. 



Not without serious setbacks in the long and painful navigation we undertook, we finally boarded these coasts and the pious inhabitants of Cuba welcomed us with open arms, receiving every day unequivocal proof of their charity, and expressing many parents of the most well-regarded in the population by their social position and strong religiosity alive desires that as soon as possible we request the due authorization for the canonical and legal establishment of the holy institute of teaching that we wish to profess.

One of us, Your  Excellency has already undoubtedly received the crown she was coming to seek, God thus arranged it by his inscrutable judgments which we abide by; this and the other trials with which the Lord has visited us, and proved our vocation. All of this has encouraged us, because in contradictions we know very well that God works are better manifested. 

In the Peninsula there are not a few young women who wish to associate themselves with our  company, and who only wait to be called to come to our aid and share with us our work and our glories.

Let Your Excellency benevolently welcome our plea, hoping that your religiosity will authorize our foundation in due form by the means established by the sacred canons and laws of the kingdom that govern these overseas possessions.

Your humblest subjects.

Sr. Maria Antonia Paris                                                                       Sr. Maria Josefa Caixal

Sr. María Rosa Gual                                                                            Sr. Maria Encarnación Gual

Holy Visit of Cuba, September 25, 1852 (Second part of Letter 2)


DURAND, Marie-Laure. Croisée d’ogives in Prions en Eglise, 1-31 December, 2021.  

PARIS, Ma. Antonia. Letters