Monday, May 16, 2016

            THE MOST HOLY TRINITY  - CICLO C – 2016

  1. On the first Sunday after the Easter Season the Liturgy of the Church invites us to celebrate the greatness of our God, to adore him, to contemplate him, to allow ourselves to be fascinated with his beauty and goodness
  2. Through the readings we will   enter into the mystery of God one and triune. Like Moses we will remove the sandals from our feet because we are on sacred ground.   
  3. Let us enter into his presence with our imagination and our feelings and over all with our love.      
    FIRST READING   Proverbs 8:22-31 

  • Wisdom speaks and says that she existed from the beginning.  
  • Wisdom describes for us the works of God. Let our imagination go to the places where Wisdom leads us: 

  • oceans, springs of water, rivers.
  • mountains and hills  
  • earth and fields   
  • She says that she was present when God made the sky 
  • when he put it, the sky, as a dome  over the ocean.   
  • when he put boundaries to the sea     
  • If we pay attention to what Wisdom is saying, God is building a home. The home he has prepared  for us to live in.  
  • And Wisdoms tells us that she was there beside him as his craft man, and that she played before him, and was delighted to be with the human race .
  • What a wonderful word, the Wisdom of God, God himself found and still finds his delight in the human race, in each one of us. 
  • The Church sees in this Wisdom the Son of God, through whom all things were made. He became one of us.  In the Eastern Churches they see in this Wisdom an image of the Holy Creator Spirit.  (see psalm  104)
    When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers  
    the moon and the stars which you set in place
    What is man that you should be mindful of him,
    or the son of man that you should care for him?
    You have made him little less than the angels
    and crowned him with glory and honor
    you have given him rule over the works of your hand
    putting all things under his feet
    All sheep and oxen
    yes, and the beasts of the field
    the birds of the air, the fishes of the sea
    and whatever swims the paths of the seas.

  • The psalmist is surprised to see how God takes care of his creatures.  
  • And in a very special way of man, to whom he has given power over them. 
  • And he asks himself, what is man?  
  • We repeat the same question, who are we that the Son of the Father became one like us, and put his tent among us?  Who are we that God comes to dwell in us.  
    SECOND READING  Rom 5:1-5

  1. Paul speaks of the redemptive work of God for his creation.  
  2. We have been justified by faith, and this gives us peace with God by Jesus Christ. 
  3. Christ is he who has given us the grace in which we live, and at the same time we rejoice in hope of the   glory of God. 
  4. He says that we do not only rejoice in hope, but also in our afflictions.  
  5. Knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character hope.  
  6. He says that hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.  
  7. The Holy Spirit is he who fulfils the work that God does in us. 
    GOSPEL  Jn 16,12-15

  • Jesus says to his disciples that he has many more things to tell them, but they cannot bear them in that moment.  
  • The Holy Spirit will help them to understand and to live what Jesus has taught them during his life. The Spirit will guide them to all truth. He will remind them all the words of Jesus.
  • He will not speak on his own; he will speak what he hears in the intimacy of the Trinitarian life. 
  • He will glorify Jesus, because he will take what is Jesus' and declare it to them.   
  • Why does Jesus say that the Spirit will not speak on his own? 
  • Jesus had said to his disciples that the Spirit was the promise of the Father; the Father was given the Spirit to them.  But now it seems as if the Spirit was given by Jesus.
  • The answer is found in the next verse: everything that the Father has belongs to Jesus.
  • The mission of the Spirit among us has been to make possible the creating and redemptive plan of the Father in the Church and in the world. 
  • This is our God, the Christian God, God who is a Trinity of persons, a community of persons united by the love generated between the three divine Persons. He is the Creator, the Redeemer and the Sanctifier.  

  1.  we confess your eternal holy Trinity and undivided Unity   (Prayer after Communion - Mass of the Most Holy Trinity)     
  2. Blest be God the Father, and the Only Begotten Son of God, and also the Holy Spirit for he has shown us his merciful love.  (Entrance Antiphon - Mass of the Most Holy Trinity)  
  3. Let us see what the beginning of the  book of Revelation says, before John greets the seven churches at the beginning of the heavenly liturgy: 

  • Grace to you and peace from him who is, who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first born of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.  
  • We can simplify this greeting as follows: May the favor and peace of  the Father, of the Holy Spirit and of the Son be with you. 
  • At the beginning of our Eucharistic celebrations the priest greets the people saying: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.
                            CLARETIAN CORNER

Once, I was somehow worried thinking how to maintain a house with so many people since, at the same time, nine young ladies came to receive the holy habit, so poor that they did not bring me not even one peseta, and with so miserable clothes that some – most of them – could not change. On the other hand I knew very soon that among them, only two were industrious, all the others were fond of rest and comfort. This fact, more than their poverty, was the cause of my distress, because I like the poor but diligence ones. Besides this, I was worried those days because they presented me a bill of S 250, rentals of the house we had live in until then and of the one we were starting to occupy (this one, even it if had been bought to build a monastery, had to be rented until we had the documents made), and this was due to the carelessness of the person in change, if he had been cunning enough, nothing of this had to be paid : that is why I was so disappointed. I was also disgusted because until that moment they had made me believe that the Archbishop would take charge of the house (meaning to say” in case that we would not earn anything”). I think the devil was using all the means to make us distrust the Divine providence, but, by the grace of God, his attempt was not successful.    Venerable María Antonia París, Foundress of the Claretian Missionary Sisters, Autobiography- Second Account  88.


In truth, the fire of love acts in a minister of the Lord in much the same way that material fire acts in the engine of a locomotive or a ship: it enables them to move the heaviest cargo with the greatest of ease.  What good would either of these two huge machines be without fire and steam to move them? None at all. What good is a priest who has finished all his studies and holds degrees in theology and canon and civil law if he lacks the fire of love? None at all. He is no good for others because he is like a locomotive without steam. Instead of being a help, as he should, he may only be a hindrance. He is no good even for himself. As St. Paul says, "If I speak with human tongues and angelic as well, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong, a clanging cymbal.". Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Founder of the Claretian MIssionary Sisters, Autobiography 441  



CLARET, Antonio María , Autobiography.

PARIS, María Antonia, Autobiography

RAVASI, Gianfranco, Según Las Escrituras, Año C, 2006

SCHÖKEL, Luis Alonso. Comentario a La Biblia de nuestro Pueblo. 2010.  

Sunday, May 8, 2016

             PENTEC0ST  – CYCLE C -  2016

  1. With the Solemnity of Pentecost we  have reached the end of the Easter season.   
  2. We will see how Pentecost has had different names and meanings over the centuries.  
  3. During the Jewish celebration of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was sent by the Father to the Church.

  • Every Israelite had to present himself before YHWH, three times a year:  the second of these feasts became Pentecost.  
    In Ex 23:16 it is called the Feast of the Grain Harvest.
  • In the book of Number 28:26  it  is called the Feast of the First Fruits.
  • In the book of Deuteronomy 16:10  it is called the Feast of weeks  because this feast was celebrated seven weeks after the feast of the Unleavened Bread (Passover.)
  • It was also called the Feast of the 50th day(Pentecost)  because it was celebrated 50 days after the first grain offering   Lev 23,9-14
  • This feast became a historical feast in which the people remembered the Covenant on Mount Sinai, and the New Covenant promised by  God thorugh the prophets Jeremiah 31,31-34 and Ezekiel 36  :22-28, and fulfilled by Jesus in his Paschal Mystery.
  • On the day of   Pentecost, the Father sent on the Church the Spirit Jesus had promised.  
    FIRST READING: Acts 2:1-11     

  • The strong driving wind that filled the house, takes us to the beginning of creation when the Spirit of God as a mighty wind covered the abyss. 
  • The noise, the fire, all these strong forces of nature remind us of the theophany on Mount Sinai, when God talked to Moses and made a Covenant with his people, giving them the Law. 
  • The tongues of fire: fire, enthusiasm, to proclaim the marvels accomplished by Christ Jesus.  
  • The "miracle" of the tongues that made possible for all to understand what the Apostles were announcing to them. This takes us to Babel, where people of one tongue could not understand each other due to greed, pride, sin. Pentecost is the opposite of Babel, the Holy Spirit makes those who are different, opposite, enemies to become brothers and sisters, to love one another.    
  • I will copy below two quotations from the Jewish tradition about the event on Mount Sinai: 

  • God did not have mouth or tongue, but by means of a wonderful act he decided that a thunder should be heard in the air and a blast should be articulated into words putting  the in motion.  This became fire that had the shape of flames... a voice resounded in the midst of the fire and descended from heaven and this voice spoke the  dialect of each one of those who heard it.   (Jewish Philosopher called Filon exp[lained in this fashion the divine theophany on Sinai.) 
  • When the voice of God was pronounced on Sinai it divided itself into seventy voices so that all the nations could understand. The Hebrew people believed that there were 70 nationalities in the world.     
    (My translation of both quotations which have been taken from the book   Gianfranco Ravasi  Según las Escrituras- Ciclo C").

  • All were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.   
  • Through the 2000 years of history since the First Pentecost, the Church has made present the wonderful event of Pentecost among all the nations, sometimes silently, some other times loudly, through the life and mission of men and women from all nations: of parents, missionaries, catechists, priests, sons and daughtets, .... the complete list would be too long.    The enemies become friends, the foreignerand stranger  are welcomed into the local community.  
    RESPONSORIAL PSALM  Ps 47, 2-3,6-7,8-9
    Lord, send outyour Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Alleluia.   
    Bless the Lord, O my soul!   
    O Lord, my God you are great indeed!
    How manifold are your works
    the earth is full of your creatures.
    If you take away their breath, they perish
    and return to their dust.
    When you send forth your spirit, they are created
    and you renew the face of the earth.
    May the glory of the Lord endure 
    may the Lord be glad in his works!
    Pleasing to him be my theme
    I will be glad in the Lord.

  • Let us meditate in our heart the words of this psalm
  • We wish that the Lord rejoices in his works
  • That our words, our prayer, our song be pleasing to Him
  • The last sentence is precious, yes I will rejoice in my Lord.
    SECOND READING  1 CoR 12:3b-7,12-13

  1. Paul says that no one can say "Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy Spirit.  But it is not enough to pronounce words or sounds, but this sentence must come from our faith, our trust, our love for Jesus. 
  2. Paul makes his community realize that there are different gifts, that every one has his or her own gifts, which God gives to us to accomplish a mission in the community.   
  3. And to help his community to understand better, he makes the wonderful comparison of the human body, which has many members but it  is one  body.
  4. Through baptism we are united to Christ  
  5. And we were all given to drink of one Spirit.  
  6. In the first reading Luke uses the symbol of fire, wind and tongues. In the second reading water is the symbol used to describe who the Spirit is. 
    GOSPEL Lk 20:19-23  

  • In the first reading we have seen how Luke explains the coming upon the Holy the Church using images taken from the Old Testament, from the traditions of Israel and even of the peoples around it.  
  • In the Gospel the Church invites us to reflect on the mystery of the coming of the Holy  Spirit in the way  John explains it.   
  • According to the Gospel of John, the Lord came and stood in their midst, on the evening of the same day of his Resurrection. 
  • And in this meeting with them he gave the Holy Spirit  

  • But before giving them his Spirit  
  • Jesus gives them Peace  thus they will be able to offer it to others. 
  • Jesus sends them.   As the Father has sent me, so I send you.  We know that through baptism we have been submerged in Christ to participate of his life and cooperate in his mission "the salvation of all men and women."    
  • Jesus gives to them the power to forgive sins.  He will cooperate with them, he will accept and support the decisions they will make.  
    We have seen the two accounts of the coming of the Holy Spirit, one from the Gospel of John, Jesus gives jis spirit the same day of his resurrection. In fact in the Gospel of John Jesus gives his Spirit,  on the cross. 
    On Pentecost the Church is born,

  • it has been conceived and nurtured in the heart of God the Father from all eternity.
  • Jesus began to form it with his disciples
  • and now it is made visible to the world by the Spirit of God on the day of Pentecost.   
    Come, O Holy Spirit, come!
    From Your bright and blissful Home
    Rays of healing light impart.
    Come, Father of the poor,
    Source of gifts that will endure
    Light of ev'ry human heart.

    You of all consolers best,
     Of the soul most kindly Guest,
    Quick'ning courage do bestow.
    In hard labor You are rest,
    In the heat You refresh best,
    And solace give in our woe.

    O most blessed Light divine,
    Let Your radiance in us shine,
    And our inmost being fill.
    Nothing good by man is thought,
    Nothing right by him is wrought,
    When he spurns Your gracious Will.

    Cleanse our souls from sinful stain,
    Lave our dryness with Your rain,
    Heal our wounds and mend our way.
    Bend the stubborn heart and will,
    Melt the frozen, warm the chill,
    Guide the steps that go astray.

    On the faithful who in You,
    Trust with childlike piety,
    Deign Your sevenfold gift to send.
    Give them virtue's rich increase,
    Saving grace to die in peace,
    Give them joys that never end.
    Amen. Alleluia.
                             CLARETIAN CORNER

Since I began to serve my God and Lord, He has always been my counselor and master in everything. And he never neglects me even in the most insignificant and domestic things. And He tells me how I have to deal with certain persons, what I must tell them as well as the time and moment to speak.   Venerable María Antonia París, Foundress of the Claretian Missionary Sisters , Autobiography 85.


The same Holy Spirit, by appearing in the form of tongues of fire above the Apostles on Pentecost, showed us this truth quite clearly: an apostolic missionary must have both heart and tongue ablaze with charity. One day the Venerable Avila was asked by a young priest what he should do to become a good preacher. His ready answer was, "Love much.''  And both experience and the history of the Church teach us that the greatest preachers have always been the most fervent lovers. Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Founder of the Claretian Missionary Sisters, Autobiogrpahy 440.



CLARET, Antonio María , Autobiography

HAAG, H; VAN DER BORN, A; DE AUSEJO, S. Diccionario de la Biblia (Bible Dictionnary), Editorial Herder 1981.

PARIS, María Antonia, Autobiography

RAVASI, Gianfranco, Según Las Escrituras (According to the Scriptures), Year C, 2006.