Wednesday, October 25, 2023



The theme for this Sunday is: which commandment of the law is the greatest?  And the answer of Jesus it is the love of God and love of neighbor.   


Exodus means “exit”  “departure” 

Ø  This is the title the authors of the Greek Bible gave to the second book of the Pentateuch. The Jews call it   “Semot”= names, from the first words of the book. The book begins with a list of the children of Jacob/Israel, to establish the transition from the family of Jacob to the people of Israel.  

Ø  In the Exodus we find the beginning of the people of Israel  

o   Its physical birth = liberation from Egypt 

o   Its spiritual birth = the covenant on Mount Sinai  

o   Between the departure from Egypt and the arrival to Mount Sinai there is the desert.   

Ø  Exodus is one the books of the Old Testament with the largest theological content: liberation, covenant, theophany, law, sanctuary…  

Ø  God has a name that has to do with the verb “to be”

o   His name is Lord, it is “I AM”

o   He is the God who saves  

o   God considers Israel his first born 

o   The song of Moses sings the victory of the Lord over Pharaoh.   

o   As the sovereign of Israel God takes care, guides and protects it.   

FIRST READING   Ex 22: 20-26

v  God gives three rules to his people 

o   Do not oppress the alien; you have been foreigners in the land of Egypt.    

o   Do not exploit the widow and the orphan.  They were the image of the marginalized and the destitute of society.  

o   Do not act as an extortioner toward the poor  when you lend money to him   

o   And if you take the cloak of your neighbor as a pledge, return it to him before sunset because it is the only thing he has to protect himself from the cold at night.   

v  When all these poor call to me, I will listen to them and I shall make justice.   

v  Because I am merciful    

v  In a course on Social Justice the teacher explained to us that there is like a connecting thread that runs through all the books of the Old Testament, like the thread that holds together the beads of a necklace, and this thread  is : God is merciful and takes care of the poor and destitute.    

v  This Sunday the reflection is on the main commandment,  

o   And the reading that the church has chosen for the liturgy of the Word is this reading from the book of Exodus where God teaches us how our life has to be in relation with one another.     

o   We are not told anything either about the respect due to God, or the love He is expecting from us, because to respect our neighbor we need to be filled with God's love.  

o   If I love my neighbor it is because I already love God.    

RESPONSORIAL SALMO: Ps  18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51

I love you, Lord, my strength.
I love you, O LORD, my strength,
O LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer.
I love you, Lord, my strength.
My God, my rock of refuge,
my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold!
Praised be the LORD, I exclaim,
and I am safe from my enemies.
I love you, Lord, my strength.
The LORD lives and blessed be my rock!
Extolled be God my savior.
You who gave great victories to your king
and showed kindness to your anointed.
R. I love you, Lord, my strength.

Ø  The five books of the Pentateuch have its replica in the five books in which the psalms have been organized.   

o   First book: psalms  1-41

o   Second book  – psalms 42-72

o   Third book  – psalms  73-89

o   Fourth book   – psalms 90-106

o   Fifth book – psalms 107-150

Ø  After each stanza that the lector will read or the cantor sing, the assembly will repeat   “I love you, Lord, my strength. “     

Ø  Maybe we could during the week think in what situations has God been our strength during the journey of our life.

GOSPEL – Mt 22: 34-40

*      The Sadducees had asked Jesus on divorcing one’s wife, with the ill intention to embarrass him in relation with the resurrection of the dead in which they did not believe.   The answer of Jesus silenced them.

*      Now it is the turn for the Pharisees, they want to catch him asking a question about the Law. Which is the first and most important commandment?  because there were more than 600 rules in the Law. 

*      And Jesus answer with the words of the “shema” Dt 6,4-9, the  prayer that each good Israelite would recite morning and evening. In his answer Jesus uses Dt 6,4-5 part of the shema and adds one verse from the Leviticus, which is about the love of neighbor Lv 19,18.   

*      Jesus unites them as the first and second most important commandments …..    

*      And Jesus adds “These two commandments are the foundation of the law and the prophets. That is to say the Old Testament which the Israelites called the Law(Pentateuch) and the Prophets.    

*      This explanation of Jesus continues to question us about the suffering in the world caused by our selfishness, suffering of those who die from hunger while those who have enough as ourselves waste it. God says that he will make justice….. because He is merciful.  

SECOND READING  : 1 Tes 1: 5-10

§  Paul reminds the community of Thessalonica his behavior among them and how they have imitated him.   

§  This has happened in the midst of suffering and also of great joy due to the presence of the Holy Spirit.    

§  They helped Paul and this is known by all the communities   

§  This is one of the main characteristics of the church of all times, to be a community, a family in which we rejoice and we suffer together in spite of our shortcomings and sins, but always with the renewed desire to encounter the Lord here and in the everlasting life. 


 We continue with the book of Galeron.

He is not content with immediate and urgent solutions, but seeks institutions that provide durable, dignified, and stable responses to the needs of the poor. "I also put in the Diocese the Savings Bank... for the benefit of the poor, because I saw that the poor, if they are well directed and given a decent way of earning a living, are honest and virtuous; otherwise, they become debased, and for this I was eager in helping them in the spirit as well as in the body.   And so, with the Lord’s help, I did very well." (Autobiography of Claret 569). In his work Las Delicias del campo we find the Regulations of the Parish Savings Bank. Desirous of preserving the good customs he has taught in word and in writing, of promoting public morality, and at the same time promoting agriculture and mechanical arts, he installs it in his diocese as an effective means to that effect. (Las Delicias del campo -   The delights of the countryside p.375).


GALERÓN, María Soledad, rmi. Llamadas que la Memoria de Significativos Acontecimientos Históricos Congregacionales nos Hacen Hoy. 2023.

PAGOLA, JOSÉ ANTONIO. La Buena Noticia de Jesús.i  Ciclo A. 2016

CONFERENCIA EPISCOPAL ESPANOLA. Sagrada Biblia, versión oficial, 2010.

STOCK, Klemens . La Liturgia de la Palabra. Comentario a los Evangelios dominicales y festivos. Ciclo A 2001


Wednesday, October 18, 2023




Ø  The second part of the Book of Isaiah cc 40-55 reveals a historical reality different from that of the first part or Book of Isaiah from Jerusalem   

Ø  The people from the Kingdom of Judah had been deported to Babylon  

Ø  In the year 539 BC Cyrus, the Persian, enters triumphant in Babylon and proclaims the liberty of all the deported, who are allowed to return to their countries.   

Ø  The Second Isaiah, so called because we do not know his name, could be one of the deported that were coming back to their country.    

Ø  His ministry has two different moments although it is always about consolation:

o   cc. 40-48 the texts speak about the exiled who must begin the journey back home. The prophet consoles and encourages them explaining the meaning of the time of the exile. 

o   cc.  49-55 The texts are about those who have come back from exile and do not feel welcomed by those who remained in the country. The prophet’s mission is to console them. In this part of the book we find the poems of the Servant of Yahweh, and also the   openness of the pagan nations to the God of Israel.   

FIRST READING  Is 45:1. 4-6

Ø  The Lord, the God of Israel speaks to Cyrus, the king of Persia, a pagan king, and calls him his anointed.  

Ø  And explains to him how he has taken him by hand to be his instrument for the liberation of the peoples.   

Ø  God has called Cyrus and God will accomplish the work of liberation for love of his servant Jacob, and for his chosen one Israel.    

Ø  He says to Cyrus that he has called him by name     

Ø  How true it is that we are all children of our God, not only those who believe in Him, but all.   

Ø  He says to Cyrus that his title of honor has been given by Him, although Cyrus does not know it.  

Ø  What a wonderful reading, which opens up the heart and uncovers unexpected and infinite horizons to our faith. God takes care of all of us and he asks all of us to be his collaborators, both believers and pagans, just and sinners, from different colors, races and religions…. and even unbelievers.  The one who opens his heart to his presence, despite not knowing him, does good works, changes the direction of his life.   

Ø  Every generation remembers Cyrus, the pagan king, who was the collaborators of the King of Israel, without knowing Him. 

 RESPONSORIAL PSALM:  Ps  96: 1 y 3. 4-5. 7-8. 9-10a y c

Ø  R. (7b) Give the Lord glory and honor.
Sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all you lands.
Tell his glory among the nations;
among all peoples, his wondrous deeds.
R. Give the Lord glory and honor.
For great is the LORD and highly to be praised;
awesome is he, beyond all gods.
For all the gods of the nations are things of nought,
but the LORD made the heavens.
R. Give the Lord glory and honor.
Give to the LORD, you families of nations,
give to the LORD glory and praise;
give to the LORD the glory due his name!
Bring gifts, and enter his courts.
R. Give the Lord glory and honor.
Worship the LORD, in holy attire;
tremble before him, all the earth;
say among the nations: The LORD is king,
he governs the peoples with equity.
R. Give the Lord glory and honor.

Ø  This psalm sings the wonders done by God and invites us to announce nation after nation the wonders God  does. 

Ø  He is the only  one who is God 

Ø  God governs the nations with justice and he calls all human beings and invites us to do the same, he calls us to be his collaborators.    

GOSPEL  Mt 22:15-21

Ø  The Pharisees were not too happy, they were angry, because Jesus in the Temple had destroyed their business, and also they did not like the parables of the two sons, the tenants of the vineyard and the wedding feasts of the son because they clearly questioned and accused them for their behavior. 

Ø  Since they are intelligent and well educated they believe that they know much more than this young and poor rabbi who has always been a carpenter. And they agree to put Jesus to the test.  

Ø  They ask him about the taxes, this has always been and continues to be a problem, something we do not like, to pay taxes to the country and for them it was worst because it was for a foreign and oppressive country they hated.  

Ø  Jesus asks for the coin used to pay the taxes.   

Ø  And he asks whose face is it?   

Ø  Cesar’s they answered, than it is very obvious that they will have to return to Cesar the coins because they have his picture on it.   

Ø  But Jesus adds something, which we use and repeat a lot, but I think we miss the point many times.   

Ø  Give to Cesar what belongs to him, what has his image, but give to God what belongs to him.   

Ø  And I have read something that I found so interesting and helpful to understand the words of Jesus.   

Ø  Give to God what belongs to him, what is it? My time, my talent, my treasure…? What I read said: if you give back to Cesar what belongs to him, the coin to pay the taxes because it has its image, than we have to give back to God his image which is our own being, nothing less “ let us make man in our image….”   

SECOND READING  1 Thes 1,1-5b

Ø  We will begin the first letter of Paul to the community of Thessalonica.  

Ø  If we read this text alone, we could personalize it saying the name or our parish.    

Ø  And listen to the words Paul says to the community in Thessalonica as words said to each one of us “we give thanks for you, for you John, for you Sylvia, for you Rosendo, for you Mary….   We remember   

o   The activity of your faith   

o   The effort of your love

o   The firmness of you hope     

o   That is how the three theological virtues received in your baptism are acting in your daily life.   

o   And all of this In Jesus Christ, you and the whole community are in Jesus Christ, and you allow Him to guide you.     

Ø  And Paul, Sylvanus and Timothy remind the community that they have been chosen; in the first reading it was God who reminded that to Cyrus      

Ø  And in the last verse we read Paul, Sylvanus and Timothy remind the community that their preaching was not only with words but, also with the strength of the Holy Spirit.  


 He wrote “Las delicias del campo,” a small treatise on Cuban agriculture in the form of a dialogue with three imaginary characters. It was published in Santiago de Cuba in 1855. "Its purpose is the physical and moral good, temporary and eternal". It weaves biblical and moral reflections, practical comments, technical guidelines; gives advice, shares observations, insists on the need for reading; praises the plants and fruits of the country and gives suggestions for their improvement. He speaks of the duties of man and remembers that "we are all brothers... we have the same Father, who is God... we must love each other... to do good to each other". He does the apology of marriage and encourages to fulfill religious duties, "in every country house there will be a little altar,... with an image of Jesus and another of Mary... On Sundays and holidays they will try to attend Holy Mass and instructions ... and if they cannot by serious causes they will try to make their devotions from their house". (Galeron)


CONFERENCIA EPISCOPAL ESPAÑOLA, Sagrada Biblia, versión oficial. 2012.

GALERÓN, María Soledad, rmi. Llamadas que la Memoria de Significativos Acontecimientos Históricos Congregacionales nos Hacen Hoy. 2023

PAGOLA, JOSÉ ANTONIO. El camino abierto por Jesús. 2011