Ø This Reading is taken from the beginning of the book of the Second or Deutero-Isaiah. Prophet who had the mission to tell the Israelites exiled in Babylon that they would soon return to their beloved country.
Ø The reading offers us several images of great beauty, images of peace and consolation.
o First image verses 1 and 2
§ Her service is at an end. These words bring to our imagination the military man
or woman who is allowed to return to his or her home after serving his or her country.
§ Her guilt is expiated, makes us think of the prisoner who is set free after serving the time assigned to be in prison.
o Second image, verses 3-5
§ A voice cries out, what does it cry? PREPARE THE WAY. How? Make a straight a highway for the Lord. This image brings to our mind the preparations that took place in ancient times, when a king, an emperor or a victorious commander was coming.
§ What is high must be lowered and what is low must be filled, so that the path is smooth and secure.
§ Thus the Lord will be able to “come” “to reveal Himself to us” and everyone will see his glory.
§ This text brings also to our memory the crossing of the sea, by the Hebrew slaves in Egypt, they walked through the waters on a smooth and straight path.
§ And also the way these same slaves, now transformed in the people of God, walked through the desert. With them Yahweh, the Lord of Hosts, as the Old Testament likes to call Him, walked with them, led them.
o Third Image, verses 9 and 10
§ The Messenger who brings good tidings. In ancient times the news were brought by messengers.
§ This Messenger is asked to go to a high mountain and cry out in a loud voice
§ What does he has to cry out? That God is here.
§ God comes with power and brings with himself the salary, but before him goes the recompense. The real salary will be earned by Christ on the cross, and will be given to us a free gift from God in Christ, a free recompense earned by the Lord Jesus.
o Fourth Image verse 10
§ The shepherd feeds his sheep with tenderness, this is an idyllic image.
§ The shepherd who takes care of the flock, he carries in his arms the little ones and takes good care of the pregnant mothers.
This is a very rich Reading with many themes for our meditation, for our personal reflection over our own life. Let us prepare in the desert of our heart a smooth path for the Lord, a smooth path for our brothers and sisters so that they do not find obstacles in their relationship with us. And thus we will be able to proclaim to everyone that the Lord is near, that the Lord comes, or still better, that the Lord is already here among us. He takes care with love and tenderness of each one of us, according to our own nature and needs, as the shepherd of Isaiah.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM – PSALM 85: 9-10, 11-12, 13-14.

o The actions of God verses 2-4
o A supplication verses 5-8
o A divine oracle verses 9-14

o Shalom means more than our word peace.
o Very often in our Western culture, peace means absence of war, of conflict, of confrontations, of differences.
o But shalom goes beyond that, maybe we could translate it as harmony.
o According to the dictionary harmony means a combination of parts into a pleasing or orderly whole. These parts can be words, sounds, colors….
o Shalom speaks to us of peace and harmony in the relationship between creation and its Creator.
§ The relationship between the human being and his or her Creator. Relationship of harmony in which we are filled with the joy of knowing that we are taken care of, loved and cherished by our God who is Father.
§ Relationships between human beings. This harmony is translated into justice. Relationships in which we recognized that we are brothers and sisters created by the same God who is Father and Mother of all.
§ The relationship between the human beings and the rest of creation. Relations of justice as the psalm says: justice and peace shall kiss. Relations in which we acknowledge ourselves as part of the same created world, together with the rest of creation.

§ This letter has the characteristics of what has been called “Last will Letters” written by someone who is very close to death.
§ The author writes to strengthen the faith of the readers, defending it from those who preach a superior knowledge “gnosis.”
§ It is an exhortation to be prepared for the second coming of the Lord.
§ From the early times of the Church this letter was not considered to have been written by Peter, but by someone who used the name of Peter as a pseudonym.
§ The reasons are:
o A great difference in literary style between this second letter and the first letter written by Peter.
o The Hellenistic influence.
o He speaks of the apostles as persons who are not present anymore.
o The mention of the letters of Paul. This happened in the Church after Paul’s death, which was also the time of the death of Peter.
o The disappointment for the delay of the second coming, which in the first letter was imminent.
Ø Peter says that the Lord does not delay his coming, for him one day and one year are the same.
Ø What happens is that he was to give us time to change whatever is wrong in our life.
Ø The day of the Lord will come as a thief, and the author describes it in apocalyptic terms.
Ø What we await after that are new heavens and new earth, which according to Paul have already began in Christ Jesus.
Ø The author asks us, what kind of person do we have to be if we await the Lord who will come as a thief? How are we going to prepare ourselves?
Ø They say that one day Saint Aloysius Gonzaga was playing during recreation time with other novices. They asked him, brother Aloysius, if you were told that God will come to take you with Him, what would you do? He answered I will keep playing.
Ø In the same way we must conduct our life in such a way that we do not fear the coming of the Lord.

Moreover, everyone feels--and sees the same in everyone else--as if he were at the scene of an explosion. The air is filled with terrifying cries of "Mercy!" and, driven by their instinct for self-preservation, people start running for the nearest square, patio, or street, for nobody feels safe in his own home. Then, after running a while, they stop and suddenly grow silent. They look at each other foolishly and tears come to their eyes. What is happening is beyond explanation. In the midst of all these terrors, one touch of incongruous humor stands out: all the sick in private homes and in civilian and military hospitals--all of them wrapped in their bedsheets --arise and leave their sickbeds. Not one of them but says that he is quite well and that nothing could induce him to return to bed. (St. Anthony Mary Claret, Founder of the Claretian Missionary Sisters, Autobiography 532)
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