The third Sunday of
Advent is called “Gaudete Sunday” which means Sunday of Joy. In the midst of
the penance, during the time of Advent, in preparation for Christmas that the
Church used to do, this Sunday was an invitation to take a break in the
journey, the faithful were invited to rejoice because the birth of the Savior
was near and, the time of preparation was almost over. As a visible sign of
this invitation to rejoice the Church uses in the liturgy of this Sunday the
pink color, which is brighter than the violet
we use in the other three Sundays.
READING: Is 61: 1-2. 10-11
Ø Chapter 61 of
Isaiah forms a unit which begins and ends mentioning the name of God whom he
calls Yahweh Adonai אֲדֹנָי which means Lord my God.
Ø It has three parts:
Verses 1-3a, the prophet announces his vocation
Verses 3b-9 are about
the people and we may think that they are pronounced by the Lord
Verses 10-11 declaration
of the holy city’s joy .
Ø The Reading for this Sunday is taken from the first
and third parts
The prophet says
that the Spirit of the Lord is upon him, because he has anointed him
He brings good
tidings to the little ones: the poor and those with wounded hearts.
He proclaims the
year of grace in terms of the Jubilee Lv
It is a year of
liberation for some and of vengeance for others.
Vengeance in the
Old Testament has a different meaning from the meaning it has among us. For us
it implies hardness of heart and cruelty, but for Israel it meant the vengeance
from God which meant defending the rights of the poor and the restoration of
injustice. Without doubt it is experienced as punishment,
suffering and deprivation for those who have more material goods that needed. It is the original justice of God, the
Creator. Creation is for all, and if I accumulate more than I need I take it
from another human being who will than suffer want. God
comes to restore the original justice of creation, his justice which is always
Verses 10 to 11 are
words in the mouth of the holy city that rejoices at the presence of God who
has adorned her, everything has bloomed in her. As everything material has been embellished in
her also God will make justice and praise florish in her.
Probably the
prophet wants to encourage the dwellers of Jerusalem who are discouraged before
the ruins in the city; that suffer because those who come back want to take back
what they left, and those who remained in the city want to keep what they
The season of
Advent reminds us that we are in the Great Jubilee since the incarnation and
coming among us of the Son of God. He is
the Great Jubilee, the Jubilee of pardon, in him justice and praise become
real. And united to him in baptism we can be justice and praise too.
RESPONSORIAL: PSALM Lk 1:46-48; 49-50; 53-54
R. (Is 61:10b) My
soul rejoices in my God.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked upon his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
R. My soul rejoices in my God.
the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his Name.
He has mercy on those who fear him
in every generation.
R. My soul rejoices in my God.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has come to the help of his servant Israel
for he has remembered his promise of mercy.
R. My soul rejoices in my God.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked upon his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
R. My soul rejoices in my God.
the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his Name.
He has mercy on those who fear him
in every generation.
R. My soul rejoices in my God.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has come to the help of his servant Israel
for he has remembered his promise of mercy.
R. My soul rejoices in my God.
For the responsorial psalm we
will recite the Song of Mary, called also Magnificat for the word at the
beginning of the song in the Latin version. It
means “to proclaim.”
Mary belongs to
the little ones, the poor, the humble.
She rejoices
because God has looked on her lowliness and has done great things, wonders in
She rejoices
because the Mighty One has taken vengeance: he protects the poor and restores
justice filling the hungry with good things, and sending away empty the
rich. And this because his mercy
endures from one generation to the next. The vengeance of God saves all, the
humble and the arrogant. To the poor he gives plenty and to takes away what the
powerful have because this helps them to look for the salvation that comes only
from God who offers it to all.
SECOND READING 1 Thes 5:16-24

GOSPEL Jn 1:6-8; 19-28
The Church puts again
in front of John the Baptist.
Verses 6 to 8 are
inserted in the prologue of John’s Gospel, breaking the harmony of the
It is a
commentary to clarify that in spite of how great his disciples see him, he is
not the light, but the witness to the light, so that through his preaching men and
women could believe in the true light, which is the Logos(Word) made flesh,
In verses 19 to 28 we read the testimony that John the
Baptist gives about himself:
He is not Elijah,
the Judaism before and after the New Testament considers Elijah, not as the
precursor of the Messiah, but of God himself.
He is not either
the prophet they expected. The prophet is the one that brings salvation at the
end of times: King, priest and prophet realities never applied to John and that
apply to Jesus.
He is a voice
that cries out in the desert “prepare the way.”
He announces the
presence of one greater than he.
Let us end this reflection with the words of a prayer
from the Brazilian Bishop Helder Camara:
Make me, O
God, a rainbow of goodness, hope and peace.
Rainbow which
may never announce false goodness,
vain hopes,
false peace.
Rainbow, send by You to announce that your Fatherly
love, the death of your Son and the wonderful action of the Spirit, O Lord,
will never fail.
Many times, Christ our Lord has manifested Himself to me as a young
man with all His majesty. Some times I have seen His Divine Face and all His
Scared Humanity and it always broke my heart because I have never seen him
glorious but always suffering the most atrocious tortures as if wanting to
choke the Sacred Heart in His Holy Breast, more than once our Lord has told me,
“ cry, my daughter cry for the evils in the church that pierce My Heart”, and
with this, as if His Majesty would open His breast to show me His Heart
surrounded by thorns. Venerable
María Antonia París, Foundress of the Religious of Mary Immaculate Claretian
Missionary Sisters. Autobiography 14.
I was barely six when my parents sent me to school. My
first schoolmaster was a very active and religious man, Mr. Anthony Pascual .
He never punished or upbraided me, but I was careful not to give him any cause
for doing so. I was always punctual, always attended classes, and always
prepared my lessons carefully.
I learned the catechism so well that whenever I was asked
to I could recite it from beginning to end without a mistake. Three of the
other boys learned it as well as I had, and the teacher presented us to the
pastor, Dr. Joseph Amigo. This good man had the four of us recite the whole
catechism on two consecutive Sunday nights. We did it without a single mistake
before all the people in the church. As a reward he gave each of us a holy
card, which we have treasured ever since.. Saint Anthony
Mary Claret, Founder of the Religious of Mary Immaculate Claretian Missionary
Sisters. Autobiography 22 and 23.
al Antiguo Testamento II.(Commentary to the Old Testament) Casa de la Biblia
Comentario al Nuevo Testamento. (Commentary to the New Testament) Casa de la Biblia 1997.
PARIS, María Antonia, Autobiography.
CLARET, Anthony Mary . Autobiography.
PARIS, María Antonia, Autobiography.
CLARET, Anthony Mary . Autobiography.
RAVASI, Gianfranco. Segun
las Escrituras: double commentay to the
Sunday’s readings. San Pablo 2005.
SCHÖKEL Luis Alonso. La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo, adaptation of the texto
& commentaries: International Team.
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