We continue
celebrating with joy the resurrection of Jesus.
Today John and
Peter say words, that the Church has to repeat to herself to be able to make
them a reality: “we have neither silver nor gold… but we give to you what we
have, which is our witness of the RESURRECTION OF JESUS.
FIRST READING – Acts 3: 13-15.17-19
Peter and John go
up to the Temple on a regular day for the official evening worship.
They see a paralytic,
they do not only see him, but they see his suffering, his sadness, that cry out
without words.
Peter, whose
faith and humility have grown after the
resurrection of the Lord, shares with him what they have: the faith in
the Lord Jesus risen form the dead. In the name and power of Jesus GET UP AND
WALK. Jesus had said to them and in them
to us also, “go, proclaim, heal, forgive…” For this we do not need money, only
the willingness to serve and above all a great love for Jesus.
Peter pronounces
his second missionary speech:
Why are your
surprised? And why do you look at us as if we had done this work by our own
The miracle, the
healing of this man is the work of Jesus. You should not be surprised since
Jesus had performed so many of these works during his life among us.
Peter reminds his
audience how the God of Abraham… has glorified his servant Jesus.
Whom they handed over
to the pagans.
He reminds them
also how they denied Jesus and asked for the freedom of a criminal.
On looking at
this people who did not know how to choose what is good and preferred death and
evil, maybe we can recognize ourselves, our present generation and all the
human generations. Is it not true that we also, very often, choose death over
Let us think in
how many ways the present culture of death is manifested among us.
But God HAS
Are we truly
witnesses to the Resurrection? to the new life, with our life also new and
transformed after we have encountered the Risen Lord?
Peter continues saying that he knows that they
acted in such a way by ignorance.
These words of
Peter are submerged in the Father’s mercy. Mercy, which perfect icon is Jesus.
The tone of this
psalm is of complete trust in God because, the psalmist has had the experience
that God answers him when calls.
The theme of the
psalm coincides with the Ester celebration, God, the Father has liberated Jesus
from death, He has raised him up to new life.
Some of the
verses of this psalm have an extraordinary beauty; through them the person who
prays manifests his trust in God: You have put joy into my heart.
R. (7a) Lord, let your face shine on us.
When I call, answer me, O my just God,
you who relieve me when I am in distress;
have pity on me, and hear my prayer!
R. Lord, let your face shine on us.
When I call, answer me, O my just God,
you who relieve me when I am in distress;
have pity on me, and hear my prayer!
R. Lord, let your face shine on us.
Know that the LORD does wonders for his faithful one;
the LORD will hear me when I call upon him.
R. Lord, let your face shine on us.
O LORD, let the light of your countenance shine upon us!
You put gladness into my heart.
R. Lord, let your face shine on us.
As soon as I lie down, I fall peacefully asleep,
for you alone, O LORD,
bring security to my dwelling.
R. Lord, let your face shine on us.
the LORD will hear me when I call upon him.
R. Lord, let your face shine on us.
O LORD, let the light of your countenance shine upon us!
You put gladness into my heart.
R. Lord, let your face shine on us.
As soon as I lie down, I fall peacefully asleep,
for you alone, O LORD,
bring security to my dwelling.
R. Lord, let your face shine on us.
Let us meditate
on the message
John writes to help the addressees of the
letter to keep away from sin.
But if we sin, we
have an intercessor Jesus Christ, the just one.
John says that we
will be sure that we know the Lord if we keep his commandments.
To know is not
only an intellectual activity but a knowledge that comes from love.
To keep his
commandments is the same as to be faithful to the new covenant which He has
sealed with his blood,
It means also to
fulfill the only commandments that Jesus left us: love one another as I have
loved you.
As is the case
also in human love, those who are in love try to
OF LUKE 24:35-48

They are so
joyful that they barely can believe what they see.
It is me, look
how I have flesh and bones, ghosts do not have them.
The risen one is
the same Jesus of Nazareth, their teacher and friend.
Jesus wants to
convince them, “give me something to eat. You know that the dead and the ghosts
do not eat.”
Like he did for
those of Emmaus, he also opens their minds so they can understand the
Is it not true that
he also does that with us? He is the one
who opens our mind? What a consolation to know that when we read, meditate and
share with faith and love on the Scriptures, He is with us and explains them to
After seeing the
Risen Lord, after understanding the meaning of the events of Good Friday, they
are ready to be sent on the mission: to be witnesses to all of this, what? JESUS OF NAZARETH WHO DIED AND IS
To help you I
will send to you the promise from the Father: THE SPIRIT, the strength what
comes from the Father.

We need to see
the Risen Lord, how can we see him?
Everything begins
for us when we have that personal experience, which we call our experience of
Where? In a
retreat, a happy event, a great suffering, the loss of a loved one, a sickness
which diminishes our activity…. That
which makes us exclaim “I have encountered the Lord” and it will always be the
Risen Lord, because the Lord is risen.
Sometimes this
experience will be strong, maybe violent, some other times it will be subtle
without being aware of it.
From that moment
on a conversion journey begins for us, in the following of the Master who journeys
with us and goes before us.
When it is a real experience, even if sometimes it
seems to disappear, it will always come back, and keeps transforming our life.
This visible
change in us is our way to announce that the Lord is risen. A second moment
will come when we will have to use words to explain what has happened.
I also understood my extreme poverty for a
work, which would cost me much. In this the Lord told me very confidentially
that He had everything for me. I was so well assured of it that I never placed
my confidence in anybody else. (María Antonia París, Foundress,
Autobiography 59.)
"What is
lacking then, my Mother? Would you perhaps avail yourself of some instrument
with which to remedy so great an evil? Here is one who however vile and
contemptible he knows himself to be, is yet assured that he will serve the
better for this end, since your power will shine forth all the brighter, and
all will see that it is you who are at work, not I. Come now, loving Mother,
let us lose no time. Here I am: dispose of me as you will, for you know that I
am wholly yours. I trust that you will do this out of your great kindness,
pity, and mercy, and I ask you this through the love you bear for the Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen."
Anthony Mary Claret, Founder, Autobiography 156.)
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