FIRST READING Genesis 14:18-20
Ø Chapter 14 of the book of
Genesis explains how and why Abram makes war against four kings who have
captured his nephew Lot and taken all his possessions.
Ø When Abram comes back victorious
the Melchizedek, King of Salem, comes to meet him
Ø Melchizedec blesses Abram and offers to God bread and wine
as a sacrifice.
Ø The name of Salem means
"peace." Salem will become Jerusalem.
Ø The name of Melchizedec
means "king of justice."
Ø The Christian community
will see in Melchizedec, King of Salem, a figure of Jesus (Hebrews 7:1-3):
v We do not know the origin
of this king.
v He offers bread and wine
as a sacrifice to God.
v He blesses Abram
v He continues to be priest
for ever
are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedec
The Lord said to
my Lord
"Sit at my
right hand
till I make your
enemies your footstool."
The scepter of
your power the Lord will stretch forth from Zion
"Rule in the
midst of your enemies."
«Yours is princely power in the day of your
in holy splendor
before the
daystar, like the dew
I have begotten
The Lord has
sworn, and he will not repent
"You are a
priest forever,
according to the
order of Melchizedec."
This psalm sings
the kingship and the priesthood of
"the Lord" mentioned in the first verse.
In the words
"I have begotten you," the Church acknowledges the voice of the
Father telling his son "Today I have begotten you..."
It is the day of
eternity, forever. The Father continues to repeat these words to his incarnate
son Jesus.
SECOND READING 1 Cor 11:23-26

ü takes the bread
ü pronounces the thanksgiving prayer over the bread and says
ü This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.
ü He does the same with the cup: This cup is the New
Covenant in my blood
ü Do this in remembrance of me.
ü For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup,
you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.

v Jesus is teaching the people, he speaks to them of the Kingdom, which he
makes real and present healing and teaching.
v The day draws to a close, and the crowd continue to listen to him,
fascinated by the words of this young man Jesus from Nazareth. He does not
speak like their teachers, he speaks with love, tenderness and respect for
every one. He speaks of a kingdom where God will be god, where we will love
each other.
v The disciples ask him to send the people to the villages so they may
v Jesus gives a surprising answer to them "Give them some food
v But how can we give food to such a crowd with only 5 loaves and 2
v Or where can we have enough money to buy food for all.
v Jesus makes his 12 friends his collaborators in what he is about to
v They will see how they will have enough bread to feed them all. Jesus gives thanks and blesses the bread and they
distribute it.
v They all eat and at the end the apostles
picked up the leftover fragments and they filled 12 baskets
v What a wonderful sign of the Kingdom, of the messianic times prophesized by
Isaiah, when there will be plenty of food and drink for all. This sign of the bread reminds us of the sign
of the water changed into wine at Cana. In both instances there is a
superabundance, more than what is needed. This is a sign of the Kingdom.
v The community of the followers of Jesus, the Church, has seen in the multiplication of the loaves a sign of the
Eucharist, the bread given to us through the centuries, the bread for the
journey, the bread which is Jesus himself killed and given to us on the cross
to ratify the new covenant with his blood.
The bread which makes us like Jesus, so we may be able to do the same
works he did, to have his same
Panis angelicus
fit panis hominum; Dat panis caelicus figuris terminum: O res mirabilis! manducat Dominum Pauper, servus, et humilis. |
Bread of Angels,
made the bread of men; The Bread of heaven puts an end to all symbols: A thing wonderful! The Lord becomes our food: poor, a servant, and humble. |
Since then our Lord has given me
the grace to have him ever present, and to have very intimate communication
with Hid Divine Majesty, especially with the Most Holy Humanity of our Lord
Jesus Christ and in the Blessed sacrament. There were so many tokens of love
shown by our Lord to this miserable sinner that many times I was obliged to
exclaim: “enough, Lord enough! You either widen my heart or put an end to these
attentions of love. Venerable María Antonia París, Foundress of the Claretian Missionary
Sisters, Autobiography 12.
Thoroughly convinced that to be a good missionary it is
both useful and essential to have love, I have searched for this hidden
treasure and would sell everything in order to find it. I studied the means to
acquire it and discovered the following: (1) keeping the commandments of God's
law, (2) practicing the evangelical counsels, (3) corresponding faithfully with
divine inspirations, (4) making one's meditation well.
and begging for love continuously and incessantly, without flagging or growing
tired of asking for it, however late it seems in coming. Praying to Jesus and Mary and, above all,
asking our Father who is in heaven, through the merits of Jesus and Mary, in
the sure hope that that good Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who keep
asking him. Saint
Anthony Mary Claret, Autobiography 442-443.
CLARET, Antonio María , Autobiografía.
PARIS, María Antonia, Autobiografía
PAGOLA, José, Following in the Footsteps of Jesus.
Meditations on the Gospels for Year C. 2012.
RAVASI, Gianfranco, Según Las Escrituras, Año C, 2006
SCHÖKEL, Luis Alonso. Comentario
a La Biblia de nuestro Pueblo. 2010.
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