The book that we
know as the book of Isaiah is formed by three different books, written by three
different authors in three different moments in history. The First Isaiah called simply Isaiah has
been written by the prophet Isaiah from Jerusalem, who lived during the VIII
century BC. His religious and theological orientation is the "holiness of
God." We will understand this if we
read c.6 his vocational call. For Isaiah any sin is an injustice against God
and against our brothers and sisters, and any social injustice is a sin against
the holiness of God.
From chapter 40
to 55 we find the book of the Deutero-Isaiah written by an anonymous author.
The book is called of Consolation, since the prophet announces to the people
that their liberation is at hand. The
return of the people to Israel was during the kingship of Cyrus king of Persia
more than one century after the exile.
The third book or
Third Isaiah goes from chapter 56 to the end of the book. The prophets has the
mission to encourage the people who has returned from the exile and face new
difficulties they did not expect.
The first reading
is taken from chapter 66 of the Third Isaiah.
God says that he
will gather all the nations and will show his glory to them.
And he will send
some from this people to announce his glory to those who do not know him yet.
Those who believe
will be brought as gifts to the Lord.
To explain the
meaning of bringing before God those who accept the faith in the God of Israel,
the prophet uses the image of the Israelites bringing their offerings in pure
The equality with
the people first called will be such, that God will choose from among them,
Priests and Levites.
We know from
Scripture that those services were performed by the Tribe of Levi.
The prophet
inspired by God gives us a wonderful image of the universality of salvation, of the
universality of the election from God, of the universality of the call to serve
the community of faith formed by peoples from all the races, nations and
languages of the world.
How appropriate
this reading is in this time in which we are working so hard to get a new just
law of immigration, so that all, no matter from what nation, language or race
we may form together a nation.
This is a psalm of praise. Israel invites all the nations to glorify God
Because his love
is unshaken and his fidelity lasts forever.
Praise the Lord, all you nations!
glorify him, all you peoples!
For steadfast is his kindness toward us
and the fidelity of the Lord endures forever.
GOSPEL Lk 13:22-30

If we pay
attention to that question, it is not as innocent as it seems.
First of all,
none of us saves him or herself. We have been saved by Jesus who lived with us,
died and rose from the dead for the glory of God and for us.
My good works are
my response, my loving gift to Jesus for
the salvation which I have already received.
Few, why few?
maybe we ask that because we are very used to make differences and
distinctions, and surely we think that we are of the few that are saved because
we are so good.

Let us enter
through the narrow gate
What is the
meaning of the narrow gate? It means the difficulty. When we are too fat, or
carry a large suitcase we cannot go through a narrow gate, or it will be hard
for us to do it.
The prophet
Isaiah compares the rich women of the high class of Israel to fatten cows,
because they accumulate riches from what belongs to the poor.
In last Sunday's Gospel the Lord Jesus spoke
of the difficulty with the image of war or division. Today he presents this
same reality with the image of the narrow gate.
When the door of the house is closed at
night, this is the second image,
to the one who
knocks from the outside the master of the house will say "I do not know
Those outside
will tell him, don't you remember that we have eaten and drank at the same
table with you. To eat and drink in the Scriptures has the meaning to share
life together.
They will also
add, we have taught, preached in your streets.
The master from
the inside will respond again "I do not know you" and he will also
add "Depart from me all you evildoers"
And outside there
will be wailing and grinding of teeth, when they will see the prophets and the
poor and ignorant, those who do not count in society, together with God in the
In the following
of Jesus, to be from the same country and the same town of Jesus does not mean
anything. Not even to belong to the Church, unless we live according to Jesus'
life and teaching, unless we are faithful to our baptismal commitment. What
counts is our personal relationship with Jesus, loving and serving our brothers
and sisters who most need us, accepting his salvation in our life.
The third image
is the peoples that will come to be
part of the Kingdom
They come from
the four corners of the earth to form together with the people first chosen the
new people of the new Covenant.
Heaven is
portrayed as a banquet, that is, as a happy experience of life in communion,
and the Kingdom begins here on earth, and all of those who do good deeds belong
to it.
Today's reading
ends with the sentence that we repeat very often "The last will be first, and the first will be last."
This image has
the same meaning as the image of division and war of last Sunday's Gospel.
Maybe it wants to
tell us that to enter into the Kingdom does not depend so much on our effort,
as on accepting lovingly and with humility this gift from the Lord.
In the Kingdom there is a real and true equality among all those who are
in the Kingdom, no distinction between first and last.
Let us remember
that in the first reading, all the peoples are invited to enter into the city
of Jerusalem, mount Zion, symbol of the Kingdom.
SECOND READING Heb 12:5-7. 11-13
The author of the
letter to the Hebrews compares the difficulties of our life to the correction a
good parent gives to his or her child, to help him or her to become a
responsible human being.
It is not a
punishment because the parent is upset, on the contrary, he or she has to seek
the wellbeing of the child.
God does not give
the hard times to us, but he helps us to go through them and to find their
If a child is sick
the parent will give him or her the medicine which will help to cure, even if
it is painful, because this is for the sake of living. The child very often experiences this as a
evil or a punishment from the parent. We do the same with respect to God in the
hardships of life.
These words cause such a
consolation and confusion in the soul, that only the one who has at any time heard
them will be able to understand. How will it be compared to this most
ungrateful creature to whom our Lord has done this grace so many times? I
confess, for the glory of God, that this is the grace, which gives my soul more
detachment not only from all the things of the earth and from me, but even from
my own soul. And this humiliation that, in these occasions, I do not know what
to tell Him: only to be ashamed and to shrink as if I would like to hide not to
see the Majesty of God so humiliated, giving thanks with so great love to the
least of his creatures for a little service she, helped by his divine grace,
does to Him. Venerable María Antonia
París, Foundress of the Claretian Missionary Sisters, Autobiography 92.
Thoroughly convinced that to be a good
missionary it is both useful and essential to have love, I have searched for
this hidden treasure and would sell everything in order to find it. I studied
the means to acquire it and discovered the following: (1) keeping the
commandments of God's law, (2) practicing the evangelical counsels, (3)
corresponding faithfully with divine inspirations, (4) making one's meditation
well. Saint Anthony
Mary Claret, Founder of the Claretian Missionary Sisters, Autobiography 442.
CLARET, Antonio María Claret, Autobiografía.
PARIS, María Antonia, Autobiografía
RAVASI, Gianfranco, Según
las Escrituras, Año C.
Alonso, Comentario a La Biblia de nuestro
José A. Following in the Footsteps of
Jesus. Meditations on the Gospels for Year C.
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