Today is the tenth Sunday in
ordinary time and the second after Pentecost.
Every year the liturgy invites us to celebrate in this Sunday the
solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
We are invited to enter into the adorable mystery of the Lord, which we
already have celebrated on Holy Thursday.
Let us allow the wisdom of past
centuries to lead us, let us remove the sandals from our feet, as Moses was
asked, this is a sacred ground, the Body of our Lord is sacred ground.
The background theme of today’s
celebration is the “covenant” that God makes with his people, through the
mediation of Moses in the Old Testament, and through the mediation of Jesus in
the New Testament.
Ø Starting with chapter 19
the book of Exodus speaks of the covenant, of the law. In today’s Reading Moses transmits the words that God has said and the people
answer that they will do everything that the Lord has said to them.
Ø Moses erects and altar,
sacrifices several animals and offers half of the blood to God and with the
other half he sprinkles the people, thus sealing the covenant with God’s
Ø A especial relationship
is established between God and his people. Usually covenants are between
equals, but in this case both parts of the contract are very different and not
Ø What a wonderful mystery of our God, the only God who is! He
creates us in his image, he forgives us over and over again, and he makes a
covenant with us.
Ø The terms of this
covenant are the ten words of love said by God on Mount Sinai, the decalogue.
Words said for our wellbeing, words that describe what we need to do to become
the real image of God which is our identity. The commandments are said for our
wellbeing and our happiness.
Ø The people accepts the
terms of the covenant, but later on they will forget, as it happens also to us,
and God will call his people over and over again to come back, and he continues
to do the same with each one of us, with each community.
PSALM – Ps 116: 12-13. 15-16. 17-18
How shall I make a return to the Lord
For all the good he has done for me?
The cup of salvation I will take up
And will call upon the name of the Lord.
Precious in the eyes of the Lord
Is the death of his faithful ones
I am your servant, the son of your handmaid
You have loosed my bond.
To you will I offer sacrifice of thanksgiving
And I will call upon the name of the Lord
My vows to the Lord I will pay
In the presence of all his people.
v This is a psalm of thanksgiving and
v A psalm that reminds us of the New
Covenant “I will lift up the cup of salvation…” the cup of the covenant.
v Yes the Lord has losen my bonds, he has
broken the chains, he has given my freedom back by giving me his ten words, ten
commandments to guide me during my life and take me to my fulfillment, to be
the image of my Creator.
v I will fulfill my vows… I will be faithful
to the covenant and I will follow his then words of love during my life.
READING Hebrews 9:11-15
ü The author of this letter
describes Jesus as the high priest of the new covenant.
ü The high priest used to
enter once a year into the sancta sanctorum (holy of holies), the sanctuary to
offer the blood of redemption, pre-figured in the blood of the animals that had
been sacrificed.
ü Jesus enters with the
true blood of the covenant and of redemption, his own blood, his own life
offered in love.
ü Thus Christ is the
mediator, the only mediator, of the New and Eternal Covenant.
GOSPEL Mk 14:12-16; 22-26

These were the helpers who accompanied me in my apostolic labors amid the
thorns and thistles of my diocese. I owe God endless thanks for providing me
such good companions. The conduct of all of them was above reproach. They never
caused me a moment's pain; on the contrary, they were all a great comfort to
me. All had good dispositions and solid virtue, and they were so detached from
worldly cares that they never once spoke or thought of self-interest or honors.
Their only concern was for God's greater glory and the conversion of souls.
I had something to learn from all of them because they gave me such a good
example in all virtues, especially humility, obedience, fervor, and a constant
readiness to work. They gladly set themselves to do whatever I asked, whether
it was my commonest request--to go on missions--or something like taking charge
of a parish or deanery. It was all the same to them, no matter what I asked
them. They never asked for or refused anything or any task whatever..Antonio María
Claret, Founder of the Claretian Missionary Sisters 606-607.
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