The third, fourth
and fifth Sundays of Lent will teach us about one of
the signs of baptism.
These readings
are found only in the liturgical year A, all of them are baptismal readings.
During these 3 Sundays the catechumens will do the scrutiny
which are penitential rites to help the catechumens in their journey
towards the Sacraments of initiation.
In chapter 15
there is another scene about water, there they cannot drink because the water
is bitter.
Now they are
exhausted and thirsty, they want water.
They do not
attack Moses, but God. They think that God
is not able to take care of them in the wilderness.
Their concept of
God is very primitive; God is he who solves all the difficulties. As the people
of Israel walk the journey of faith
they will learn little by little who God is. Their prophets will tell them that
God wants to have a loving personal
relationship with the People and with each one of the members of the people of
Israel. Still more, God wants to have this relationship with each human being.
Moses asks God,
and God, as always, answers like a loving and caring parent.
Take the elders,
so they will be witnesses of what I will do, and struck the rock with the rod
with which you struck the river.
And water flows
in abundance.
The last sentence
of this Sunday’s reading tells us the real meaning of the quarrel, they doubt
about God
Does their
behavior resemble ours?
If today you hear his voice, harden not
your heart
Come let us sing joyfully to
the Lord
Let us acclaim the Rock of
our salvation
Let us greet him with
Let us joyfully sing psalms
to him.
If today you hear his voice, harden not
your heart
Come; let us bow down in
Let us kneel before the Lord
who made us
For he is our God
And we are the people he
shepherds, the flock he guides.
If today you hear his voice, harden not
your heart
Oh, that today you would
hear his voice
Harden not your hearts as at
As in Massah in the desert,
Where your fathers tempted
They tested me though they
had seen my works.
If today you hear his voice, harden not
your heart
5:1-2. 5-8
In the preceding
chapters Paul has explained how do we reach salvation
In the chapters
which will follow after this reading, Paul will concentrate in explaining what
salvation is.
In this fragment
of his letter Paul switches from the word faith to the word life.
The word life has
a physical meaning in Rom 7,1-3
Apart from those
two verses, life has a variety of meanings which we know through the
words used by Paul:
Peace, in the
sense of the Hebrew word shalom, which is the fullness of all that is good and
the absence of anything bad. The true shalom will be reached only in Heaven.
Grace, gift. We
called grace the gift to participate into God’s life during our
earthly journey.
Hope which enables us to continue with joy our
journey even among the hardships of life.
Love which God
has poured out into our hearts
The Holy Spirit
whom the Father has given to us.
The death and
resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us when we were still
GOSPEL: John 4:5-42
Jesus is going from
Jerusalem to Galilee; he had to pass through Samaria.
At the town of
Shechem he stops and sits at the well Jacob had given to his sons.
He is tired, hungry
and thirsty. His disciples had gone off to the town to buy food.
Dialogue with the Samaritan woman:

The woman answers “You are a man and a Jew, I am a
Samaritan woman. (A man was not supposed to speak in public with a woman and
much less with a Samaritan woman. Jews have nothing to do with Samaritans)
Jesus says: if you knew who it is that is asking for a
drink, you would ask him instead.

Jesus tells her that anyone drinking the water from
the well will continue to be thirsty; he can give her living water, which shall
become a spring within her, leaping up to eternal life.
The woman wants this water, but she is still at the
material level, if this man gives her that kind of water she will not have to
come back to well every day.
Jesus wants to take the woman a step further, “go tell
you husband and come back here”

Jesus tells her you are right you have had 5 husbands
and the one you have now is not yours.
The woman says “Sir you are a prophet”
She engages in a conversation over the place of
worship, maybe she is embarrassed by what Jesus has told her, she still fights
against the light which is given to her.
The true worshiper will worship the Father in Spirit
and truth, because God is Spirit.
The woman now talks about the Messiah
Jesus makes to her the greatest revelation “I who
speak to you, am he”
The scene is changed
- The disciples come back; they do not ask even being surprised to see him talking to a woman.
- The woman leaves her bucket, she does not need it any more, she has finally found peace and reconciliation within herself, she already has the fountain of water promised by Jesus, her joy is complete. She wants to share it with the people of her town “come to see a man who has told me the things I ever did, could he be the Messiah?”
- Meanwhile the disciples want Jesus to eat, Jesus like he did with the woman talking to her about the living water, now he speaks to the disciples about another bread, the bread of the will of the Father. (In the first temptation he answered “not only of bread…. But the will of God.)
He explains to them that they have been sent to
reap what others had worked. In the Church each one has its own mission
given by the Lord, and all together we do the will of the Father.
The people from the town come and on listening to
Jesus, they believe in him.
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