TIME – CYCLE C – 2019
In this third Sunday in Ordinary time,
we move a step forward in the knowledge of Jesus.
After his baptism in the Jordan River,
the Father said that Jesus is his beloved son.
At the wedding in Canna the
overwhelming abundance of water changed into wine by the word of Jesus and the
cooperation of Mary and the servants, reminds us what Isaiah had prophesized
about the messianic times.
Today Jesus will tell us that in him
the Great Jubilee of God is fulfilled.
The books of Ezra and of Nehemiah were
a single literary work, which became two books sometime in history.
It is also possible that both books
were part of a larger work, which included the books of Chronicles.
The end of Chronicles is repeated in the
beginning of the book of Ezra.
Ezra-Nehemiah recount the return from
the Babylonian exile. This return
entailed the restauration of Jerusalem and the reconstruction of the Temple.
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah present
the events not in a chronological order but in a theological order, according
to the authors’ point of view.
Return from exile (Ez 1-6)
The memories of Ezra (Ez 7-10)
The memories of Nehemiah (Neh
Renewal of the Covenant (Neh 8-10)
The book of Nehemiah’s memories
These two books were included in the
canon of the Hebrew Scriptures before Chronicles; because the content of
Chronicles is already present in the books of Samuel and Kings.
The people of Israel had always been a
people different from all the other peoples that surrounded it. Its traditions, its laws, its faith in the
only true God who had spoken to Abraham
and had made a covenant with Moses; but now with Ezra and Nehemiah Judaism is
born; It rests on four pillars:
The Hebrew race as a sign of identity,
which is transmitted only from parents to children.
The law, as a rule of life and, as the
manifestation of God’s fidelity.
The land, as the place which God
himself gave to the chosen people.
The temple of Jerusalem as the place
where God the creator dwells.
FIRST READING Neh 8,2-4a, 5-6, 8-10
Ezra reads the book of the Law to all,
who are able to understand. This book is probably the Aramaic translation of
the Hebrew text.
Some scholars think that this book is
the book of Deutoronomy, others an abbreviated version of the Pentateuch as we
have it now, others think that it could be the Pentateuch as we have it now.
The reading of the book happens the day
before the feast of the tabernacles,
which is celebrated at the end of the summer tasks.
There is a kind of solemnity in this
liturgical act of reading the book of the Law:
o Ezra stands up
He opens the book so that all can see
Ezra blesses God and, all the people
says Amen, yes we praise you our God.
After having read the Law, the
religious and civil leaders invite the people to rejoice, to celebrate, eating
and drinking and, not being sad.
Because their strength is in the joy of
the Lord
Every Sunday we are also invited to the
feast, that Jesus himself has prepared for us in his bread and in his wine, in
his community, the community of faith to which we belong.
This feast is prepared for us by the
Lord, by means of our leaders in faith, the priests of the Lord.
R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The law of the LORD is perfect,
refreshing the soul;
The decree of the LORD is trustworthy,
giving wisdom to the simple.
R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The precepts of the LORD are right,
rejoicing the heart;
The command of the LORD is clear,
enlightening the eye.
R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever;
The ordinances of the LORD are true,
all of them just.
R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
Let the words of my mouth and the thought of my heart
find favor before you,
O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The law of the LORD is perfect,
refreshing the soul;
The decree of the LORD is trustworthy,
giving wisdom to the simple.
R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The precepts of the LORD are right,
rejoicing the heart;
The command of the LORD is clear,
enlightening the eye.
R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever;
The ordinances of the LORD are true,
all of them just.
R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
Let the words of my mouth and the thought of my heart
find favor before you,
O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.

LK 1:1-4; 4,14-21
We begin, with Jesus, his missionary
ministry of proclaiming the good news.
The liturgy invites us, before we
listen to Jesus inaugural speech in the Synagogue of Nazareth, to read again
the beginning of Luke’s Gospel.
Luke says to us that what he is about
to say to us comes from the tradition of the Christian community, the community
of the followers of the Teacher.
Let us go now to chapter 4 and listen
to Jesus
Luke explains to us that Jesus goes to
the Synagogue, as usual. Jesus, who has come back to his home town, he goes to
the synagogue on Saturday, like any good
It seems that it was customary to
invite to read those, who were visiting, Jesus is not a foreigner he is a son
of the town, but he has been away for a long time, and everyone is saying great
things that he has done in other places.
They give to him the book of the
prophet Isaiah in the section called Third Isaiah.
Jesus reads with solemnity: The
o Is upon me…
He has sent me to heal, to
And the text of Luke continues at this
point mentioning a quotation from the book of Leviticus:
To proclaim the year of grace…
When he finishes to read Jesus sits
down, gives his “homily.” He begins with
these words:
Today in your presence, this Scripture
has been fulfilled.
Let us reflect on what Jesus is saying
in the Synagogue of Nazareth
The first part of the reading is
taken from the prophet Isaiah
Announcing the mission of the Messiah,
of the one who is to come, of the one who will have the fullness of the Spirit
upon him
His mission will restore what is incomplete, will do good
according to the needs of others
To bring good tidings to the poor, who
really need to hear a good word
To proclaim liberty to those who do not
have it; how many situations in which liberty, freedom is lacking! He has come
to give back to us the freedom that God wants for each one of us.
To give back sight to those who are
blind, how many blindness we have!
To liberate the oppressed, what does
oppress us today? What does oppress our brothers and sisters today?
And this is to proclaim the year of
grace, that is to say THE JUBILEE described in Leviticus 25, 8 and ff.
The Jubilee Year, the year of grace
because it is the year of the great pardon.
This is the way, in which Jesus, according
to the Gospel of Luke, begins his ministry.
This proclamation in Luke
corresponds to the Beatitudes that Matthew has at the beginning of the great sermon
of the Mountain. In this passage, Jesus tells us how his followers have to
behave. And truly the beatitudes are the portrait of Jesus, as the proclamation
in the Synagogue of Nazareth is the description of Jesus ministry of
John Paul II in the document “Toward
the Third Millennium says that, Jesus in Nazareth describes his ministry in
terms of the Jubilee Year.
Jesus is the incarnation, the
fulfillment of the Jubilee Year.
READING 1Cor 12:12-14, 27

Let the one who reads these notes not wonder to
see them so disordered, because I never thought that I had to write such
things. So, I started with such confusion and shame that I had not been able to
do it in order. That’s why many things, which out to be at the beginning, are
in the middle and others, which are to be in the middle are at the end. They
will also miss the dates, because of my own carelessness but not for lack of
truthfulness, since by the grace of God, I have always abhorred lies. Let it be for the glory of God and of the
most Blessed Mother. Venerable María
Antonia París, Foundress, Autobiography
Their Majesties
are surrounded by self-serving men who are always hunting and grasping after
titles, honors, greater salaries, and sums of money; but I, as I have said,
have gained nothing; rather, I have lost much. Her Majesty wanted me by all
means to accept the office of Guardian of Montserrat—the church, hospital,
etc.-but I declined. Both she and the Commissioner General asked me many times
to take the post, and when I learned that the buildings had already been
advertised for sale in the Official Bulletin, I finally accepted, just to save
them. And what did I gain by it all? I had to pay 5,000 duros out of my own
pocket for repairs on the church and the hospital.
I can say much the
same of the royal monastery of the Escorial, which neither is nor has ever been
a source of profit to me; rather, it has brought me nothing but troubles and
pains, and it has been the occasion of persecutions, slanders, and bills. Three times I tried to resign from its
presidency, but failed. Well, God be praised for it all: if the Lord wants me
to carry this cross, all I can do is submit to his will. My God, I want nothing
of this world, nothing but your grace, your holy love and heavenly glory. St Anthony Mary Claret, Autobiography
CLARET, Antonio
María. Autobiografía.
PARIS, María Antonia. Autobiografía
plumas movidas por el mismo Espiritu. Llamados a renovar la iglesia. Misioneras
Claretianas 2010.
SCHÖKEL , Luis Alonso, La Biblia de nuestro Pueblo.
SAGRADA BIBLIA, Versión Oficial de la Conferencia
Episcopal Española
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