Monday, July 20, 2020

v The liturgy of this Sunday gives other images of the Kingdom, used by Jesus to explain what the Kingdom  is.   
v The first reading presents Solomon searching for the treasure of wisdom to be able to govern his people.  
v And Paul in his letter to the Romans says that everything contributes to the good of those who love God.  

Ø  The two volumes of the book of Kings are classified as historical books.  
Ø  They narrate precisely what the title says: the life and actions of the kings and their people, the people of God:   
o   The kingship of Solomon   
o   The division of the Kingdom after his death    
o   The whole work shows a strong unity in spite of the long space of time of its composition. It was finished and edited during the exile.  
o   The history and the actions of the Kings and of the people are judged according to the values of the Deuteronomist and follow  this scheme: sin – exile – return   
o   Key points of the Deuteronomist theology:     
§  Strong monotheism   
§  The Messianic hope  
§  Institutions: the monarchy, the temple   
§  Exile as the end or as the beginning?  

FIRST READING  – 1 K 3:5, 7-12
ü  In this Reading we find the reason for the extraordinary wisdom that Solomon showed in his governance. 
ü  In the Old Testament we are told many times and, also in the New Testament that God speaks to God’s servants in dreams. God speaks to each one of us in the way we are able to understand God.  
ü  Ask from me whatever you want, says the Lord and  
ü  Solomon asks: an attentive heart to judge and discern between good and evil, to make justice.  
ü  And God who is more generous than anyone else, for this petition so unselfish gives to Solomon “a wise and intelligent heart” = It grants to him to be able to know, discern from experience and from the listening to God in his heart and, in the heart of the women and men of his  people. 

 RESPONSORIAL PSALM   Ps 118,: 57 y 72, 76-7, 127-128, 129-130.  
R. (97a) Lord, I love your commands.
I have said, O LORD, that my part
is to keep your words.
The law of your mouth is to me more precious
than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Lord, I love your commands.
Let your kindness comfort me
according to your promise to your servants.
Let your compassion come to me that I may live,
for your law is my delight.
R. Lord, I love your commands.
For I love your command
more than gold, however fine.
For in all your precepts I go forward;
every false way I hate.
R. Lord, I love your commands.
Wonderful are your decrees;
therefore I observe them.
The revelation of your words sheds light,
giving understanding to the simple
R. Lord, I love your commands.

GOSPEL: Matthew  13:44-52
Ø  The teaching about the Kingdom continues:  
Ø  The kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field, who finds it is filled with joy  
o   What is the treasure we have found in the field of our life?   
o   Like that man of the parable, have we changed “our possessions” for the field because this field has a treasure?   
o   After changing our possessions for the field where the treasure is hidden, has our life been filled with joy?   
o   The true and deep joy, which exists together with the difficulties and sufferings we might have, is a clear sign that we are already in the Kingdom, that begins here and reaches its fullness in each one of us beyond our earthly life.  
Ø  The Kingdom is also like a merchant who finds a precious pearl…  
o   What is my pearl? What have a given in exchange for the pearl?    
Ø  The Kingdom…. A net that gathers all sort of fish good and bad…   
o   We are these fish, to what group do I belong or want to belong?   
o   We are lucky because these groups are interchangeable, if I want I will do what it takes to belong to the group that accepts the Lord, because he never  closes his ears to our cry, he never closes his eyes to our deepest desire to have him as our only treasure, our precious pearl.  
Ø  Do we know or better do we believe that everything  works for our good? 
Ø  That the Father only wants our good and thus he sent to us his Son Jesus to tell us and to make visible for us his unconditional and saving love.   
Ø  The Father wants us to become the image of his Son.   
Ø  Each one in particular and all together as a community we are called to become the image of the only begotten Son. 
Ø  Why do we still fear when we think about eternal life, and maybe we even doubt if we will be part of the happy eternity? Why is it so difficult for us to believe, to trust in the love that God has for each one of us, a merciful and tender love, unconditional and eternal?   

Be careful that they[religious men and women] do not lack what is necessary, both in the spiritual as in the temporal, especially the first, because with this they will have the second.  May all, both religious men as well as religious women, never lack the bread of the Divine Word, at least once every eight days.  For the Word of God is bread of life and light that dispels the darkness of the soul.  There are many wise people in my Church, but none who understands true wisdom.  These, the religious, clergy and nuns, say “what need do they have of sermons?”  Some preach everyday, and the others can take a good book where they will find a sermon continued.  They say this without reflecting over priestly dignity and that the words of the Holy Law pronounced by their Ministers open the meaning of the Scriptures, and as light of the soul, guide our steps toward God’s altar. Venerable María Antonia Paris. “Points for the Renewal of the Church 38” in Paris and Claret two pens moved by the same Spirit.

Preaching has always been considered the main duty of the Bishops, according to the Council of Trent.        A great wise man of our time has said: 
«The divine word has been, is and will be always the queen of the world.” 
«The divine word brought forth from nothingness all things.” 
«The divine word of Jesus Christ ransomed the lost.” 
«And Jesus Christ himself said to his apostles:  Go to the whole word and preach the good news to all criatures.   St. Anthony Mary Claret, “Notes to restore the beauty of the Church”  in Paris and Claret two pens moved by the same Spirit.

MUÑOZ, M. Hortensia and TUTZO, Regina Claretian Missionary Sisters. Paris and Claret Two Pens Moved by the Same Spirit. 2010
SAGRADA BIBLIA,  Spanish Conference of Bishops – Official Version. 2012
SCHÖKEL, Luis Alonso. THE BIBLE OF OUR PEOPLE (commentaries). Claretian Missionaries. China 2010. 

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