Monday, September 21, 2020



§  The liturgy invites us again to reflect on the meaning of the justice  of God

§  The justice of God, which is the only true justice, is different from ours; maybe we should say that our justice is not like God’s.  

§  He says in Scripture that his ways are not like ours.  

§  We forget many times about this and we complain because we do not understand his justice, maybe we do not understand the meaning of the word.   

§  But if we want to participate in the true justice, we better try to understand the justice of God and imitate him.   

FIRST READING  – Ez 18: 25-28

v We have in chapter 18 of Ezequiel a reflection on the personal responsibility, Israel looked at the persons only as part of a people or community.  However here Ezequiel  in exile presents to them this reflection on each one’s responsibility ,that is whatever each one of us choses in life. 

v The Lord disputes with his people about the justice in His works. 

v The people say that God is not just in his works.   

v And God confronts his people and asks them, is it my ways or yours which are not fair? 

v And He presents an example….  If the just man/woman decides to do evil he/she is responsible of his/her  actions and of its consequences… if the sinner realizes his/her  error and decides to act righteously, he/she is also responsible of his/her acts and its consequences.     

v In the first situation the consequences are of condemnation, in the second of salvation.  

v Why?

v Salvation as well as creation is not given to us once and for all, because we are human beings in process, we are not completed yet during our life time, God creates and saves us in a lifelong process. 

v During this process I can open or close the door of my being to God. 

v The only one responsible to open or close it is me.  

v Certainly God will continue to knock at my door, but it will be I who is going to open or close.  

v Some verses towards the end of this chapter we read “Because I do not want the death of anyone – oracle of the Lord – Convert and you will live!” Let us remember that according to Jesus’  teaching God is love, thus He wants that every human being enjoys the fruits of redemption on the cross. 

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9

R. (6a) Remember your mercies, O Lord.
Your ways, O LORD, make known to me;
teach me your paths,
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my savior.
) Remember your mercies, O Lord.
Remember that your compassion, O LORD,
and your love are from of old.
The sins of my youth and my frailties remember not;
in your kindness remember me,
because of your goodness, O LORD.
) Remember your mercies, O Lord.
Good and upright is the LORD;
thus he shows sinners the way.
He guides the humble to justice,
and teaches the humble his way.
R. ) Remember your mercies, O Lord.

ü  The congregation gathered in the Eucharistic celebration will next Sunday repeat the humble and trusting supplication remember your mercies, O Lord.  

ü  We hope in God our creator and our savior; He will lead us through the right path.  

ü  We know he will remember us and thus we call upon him.  

ü  This psalm helps us  in our life: to live day by day the love with which God loves us.     

GOSPEL Mt 21:28-32

Ø   In this chapter we find several instances of tension and discussions between the authorities and Jesus. The tension between Jesus and the Scribes and Pharisees is increasing. 

Ø  Today Jesus addresses the high priests and elders of his people,  with this parable

Ø  What is your opinion? A father has two sons and he says

To one of them….. go to work in my vineyard  I will notbut afterwards this son changed his mind and went.

To the other …… go to work in my vineyard   Yes, sir, ‘but did not go.

  ….. which one of the two made the will of his father?  The first one they said.  

Ø  Jesus shares with them what he carries in his heart, those dearest to him: the sinners, those we despise because they are sinners and we are saints.

Ø  Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you.

Ø   Jesus has a personal experience of what he is saying: Zacchaeus, the sinner woman, Matthew,  the adulteress,

Ø  Those who seem to live far from God are frequently closer to Him than we, who believe we know Him.  

Ø  Because they open wide their heart to welcome the forgiveness and goodness of God.  

SECOND READING : Phil 2:1-11

*     Paul invokes the love that the community of Philippi has for him and the love he has for the community.   

*     And he asks them to give him the joy to see the community united 

*     And he continues recommending them to do nothing for rivalry, or vainglory, but to act with humility, that is, in truth. 

*     And he asks them something else, to look at the others as superior to them, not because they have a better education, or they belong to a higher social class, no, he simply says to consider the others superior to oneself. And this first paragraph ends inviting the community of Philippi to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus  

*     Who being God   became one like us. The people in his town saw him as the carpenter of Nazareth, the son of Joseph, the carpenter,  and of Mary the wife of the carpenter. He was not important….    But He was the Son of God through whom all things were made.  


  We are living on a time of great transformations which affect   the whole human race in all the different aspects of its existence.  The world is changing profoundly with a vertiginous speed; this fact causes an unavoidable vital tension in front of a difficult present, and an uncertain future constantly changing. 

We are faced with the challenge to discern the signs of the times; to discover in our historical reality what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the Church; and to question ourselves about the role that we are playing as a Church, in this crucial time.   The task is not easy, in the same way as it was not easy for Claret and Paris. We need a superabundance of optimism, hope and courage, to accept this challenge in which we find ourselves. We have to face our mission with humility and complete trust in God; only in this way we will be able to be signs of peace and joy in our world. Only having our eyes open to see the concrete circumstances of our time, we will be able to look for the means to fulfill  this task, so charismatic for us, to  “Restore the beauty of the Church.”  París and Claret: Two Pens Guided by the Same Spirit. Called to Renew the Church, p.169 of the Spanish edition.)  


MUÑOZ, Ma. Hortensia & TUTZO, Regina, Misioneras Claretianas. París and Claret: Two Pens Guided by the Same Spirit. Called to Renew the Church.  2010.    

PAGOLA, José Antonio sj. El camino abierto por Jesús. 1 Mateo. 2010

PAGOLA, José Antonio sj. La Buena noticia de Jesús. Ciclo A. 2016

La Biblia de nuestro pueblo. Luis Alonso Schökel. 2015.


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