Wednesday, March 1, 2023



v  On the First Sunday of Lent we contemplated Jesus tempted , and at the same time how he affirms the dominion of God over all, we shall submit only to Him. 

v  Next Sunday we will have a glance to the glory of Jesus, the Son the beloved,  whom we have to listen to. 


«  In the Liturgy of the First Sunday of Lent, the first Reading was taken from the 2nd and 3rd chapters of the Book of Genesis. 

«  The first 11 chapters of the book of Genesis are not historical, they did not happened in the way they are narrated.  

«  However they are also historical in the sense that they try to explain the process of creation, the reality of sin and temptation.

«  Using a symbolic language full of images they transmit to us a theological reflection on these realities.  

«  In the liturgy of the Second Sunday of Lent, the first reading is taken from chapter 12 of Genesis. 

o   From chapter 12 on there is a change in perspective in the book of Genesis 

o   The first 11 chapters show us the work of God, who gives without measure and looks for men and women over and over again.

o   At the same time these chapters also tell us how men and women respond to the generosity of God by sinning and following the temptation of Paradise “you will be like gods”. Men and women turn away from God, their creator, to follow their own ways of sin and corruption. 

o   In chapter 12 God intervenes again, doing something new. Like in creation when God called man to existence now he calls another man Abram. This man will accept the call and will obey the God of the Mountain, as he calls Him, “El Shaddai” אל שדי. The God of the patriarchs, which is the same God of Moses  YHWH, the only God.  The translation of El Shaddai is God Almighty. 

o   With Abram a new chapter begins in  human history in its relationship with its creator.



o   The Lord tells Abram to leave the land of his kinsfolk and from his father’s house to a land that the Lord will show him.  

§  He is asked to leave without knowing the destination, with the sole trust in the word of the God who spoke to him from the mountain  

o   God makes 7 promises to Abram  

§  I will make of you a great nation 

§  I will bless you 

§  I will make your name great  

§  So that you will be a blessing 

§  I will bless those who bless you  

§  I will curse those who curse you  

§  All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you. 

o   Abram leaves as God has asked him 

§  His reaction to the word of God is completely different from that of the first fathers: Adam and Eve, the people of Noah’s time, the people of the tower of Babel. These did not obey the word of God, Abram goes forth as God has told him, he does not know where, but he trusts the word of the Lord God Almighty

§  Thus he will be a blessing and not a curse as our first fathers were. 

§  A new adventure begins for the human race.



Ø  The letters to Timothy are considered “deutero-paulines”. The name deutero is given to a group of letters which scholars think have not been written by Paul but by some of his disciples. The letters written by Paul are called Proto-Paulines.

Ø  The Letter to Timothy seems to have been written after the death of Paul. 

Ø  These letters belong  also to the group of letters called Pastoral letters, which are addressed to Bishops: Titus and Timothy who had been collaborators of Paul in his ministry. 

«  God has called us also to a life of holiness. Holiness is to live our life according to the will of God. 

«  We have seen   the answer of Abram to the call of God. 

«  We have been called to a life of holiness in Christ Jesus. 

«  The Father has called us to this holiness of life before the creation of the world. 

«  Christ has brought  us salvation and immortality by despoiling death of its power.


GOSPEL  Mt. 17,1-9

 I will copy below two paragraphs from the Apostolic Exhortation  of John Paul II Vita Consecrata. 

In the countenance of Jesus, the "image of the invisible God”  and the reflection of the Father's glory, we glimpse the depths of an eternal and infinite love which is at the very root of our being. Those who let themselves be seized by this love cannot help abandoning everything to follow him. Like Saint Paul, they consider all else as loss "because of the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ", by comparison with which they do not hesitate to count all things as "refuse", in order that they "may gain Christ". They strive to become one with him, taking on his mind and his way of life. This leaving of everything and following the Lord is a worthy programme of life for all whom he calls, in every age (18) 

A whole ancient spiritual tradition refers to this "icon" when it links the contemplative life to the prayer of Jesus.  Even the "active" dimensions of consecrated life can in a way be included here, for the Transfiguration is not only the revelation of Christ's glory but also a preparation for facing Christ's Cross. It involves both "going up the mountain" and "coming down the mountain". The disciples who have enjoyed this intimacy with the Master, surrounded for a moment by the splendor of the Trinitarian life and of the communion of saints, and as it were caught up in the horizon of eternity, are immediately brought back to daily reality, where they see "Jesus only", in the lowliness of his human nature, and are invited to return to the valley, to share with him the toil of God's plan and to set off courageously on the way of the Cross.(14)


 . “The Principal aim of the religious of this order is to work with all diligence in the Lord, in keeping  God’s lawn,  and the utmost fulfilment of the evangelical counsels, and, in imitation of the Holy Apostles to work until death  in teaching every creature the holy Law of the Lord.

                Our form and manner of life:

        - requires that all those persons who wish to be enrolled  be crucified to all  the things of the world.

    - our Institute also requires daughters stripped of all their disordinate affections and passions, so       that they can follow the footsteps of Christ our highest good.

        - requires them to die to themselves, so that they live only for justice and holiness, and that they       should earnestly strive to be faithful servants of our great God, as Saint Paul says:

        • in vigils, fasting and labor;

        • in chastity, knowledge and kindness;

        • in prudence and joy in the Holy Spirit;

        • in sincere love;

        • in truthful words.

-          and as they journey  to their heavenly homeland, they strive to teach and to make the same path easy for others  with the arm of justice and example on the right hand and on the left,

        • whether honored or dishonored,

        • whether in adversity or prosperity,

        - seeking in everything and through everything:

       • the conversion of all consecrated persons to the service of God.

      • and the conversion of the whole world.

      - for the greater glory of God and of His most holy Mother



JOHN PAUL II. Vita Consecrata. 1996.

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